Hard charged and convinced it's contagious
Put away in a box like a beast
Sweat salt watch my back
Like a crime boss
My life's blood siphoned out of me
Take my power and trade it away
Now I live in Kryptonite
Do what I must to have it again
And I'll explode the planet tonight
I'm on the inside separated by concrete
The wretched filth being
Slashed and shivved
Meet a man who can find a way out
I'll promise everything
So that I can live
Deep in a coffin they will carry me
Next to a corpse to be buried alive
Await my savior in a waking nightmare
The shovel scraping is my blackened new life
wretched - berbat
wrath - gazap
trade - ticaret
tracking - izleme
tonight - Bu gece
sweat - ter
slashed - indirim
siphoned - siphoned
shovel - kürek
shivved - benzettim
shadow - gölge
scraping - kazıma
demon - iblis
raving - çılgın
curse - lanet
charged - yüklü
deception - aldatma
crime - suç
corpse - Ceset
explode - patlamak
convinced - ikna olmuş
being - olmak
carry - taşımak
await - beklemek
drink - içki
separated - ayrıldı
beast - canavar
filth - pislik
hunting - avcılık
waking - uyanık
pursuit - kovalama
alive - canlı
contagious - bulaşıcı
awaken - uyandırmak
blackened - isli
hounds - tazılar
coffin - tabut
again - Tekrar
concrete - beton
blood - kan
drown - boğmak
reborn - yeniden doğmak
evading - Evading
bathe - yıkanmak
giant - Dev
haunting - unutulmaz
watch - izlemek
inside - içeride
kryptonite - kriptonit
loose - gevşek
moves - hamle
everything - her şey
myself - kendim
never - asla
planet - gezegen
earth - toprak
power - Güç
savior - kurtarıcı
buried - gömülü
liquid - sıvı
nightmare - kâbus
promise - söz vermek
Çeviriyi görmek için herhangi bir kelimeye tıklayın
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