Coming Up Roses
Elliott Smith
I'm a junkyard full of false starts
and I don't need your permission
to bury my love under this bare light bulb
the moon is a sickle cell
it'll kill you in time
you cold white brother riding your blood
like spun glass in sore eyes
yourself - kendin
white - beyaz
while - süre
starts - başlar
false - yanlış
blood - kan
follow - takip et
nobody - kimse
elliott - elliott
everywhere - her yerde
coming - gelecek
alive - canlı
buried - gömülü
below - altında
division - bölünme
night - gece
under - altında
brother - erkek kardeş
glass - bardak
knows - bilir
spinning - döndürme
roses - güller
things - eşyalar
light - ışık
junkyard - hurdalık
permission - izin
riding - binme
smith - demirci
trouble - sorun
sickle - orak
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