No cloud, a sleepy calm,
Sunbaked earth that's cooled by gentle breeze,
And trees with rustling leaves,
Only endless days without a care,
Nothing must be done.
Silent as a day can be,
Far-off sounds of others on their chosen run
As they do all those things they feel give life some meaning,
Even if they're dull.
It's time to stop this dreaming, must rejoin the real world
As revealed by orange lights and a smoky atmosphere.
The trees and I are shaken by the same wind but whereas
The trees will lose their withered leaves,
world - Dünya
without - olmadan
winds - rüzgarlar
sunbaked - güneşte kurutulmuş
substitutes - yerine
stranger - yabancı
south - güney
whereas - buna karşılık
fisherman - balıkçı
fading - solan
easier - daha kolay
those - bu
their - onların
dreaming - rüya görmek
refresh - yenileme
cloud - bulut
chosen - seçilmiş
aftertaste - ağızda kalan tat
place - yer
endless - sonsuz
revealed - ortaya
withered - solmuş
dried - kurutulmuş
orange - portakal
alien - yabancı
instead - yerine
sounds - sesleri
others - diğerleri
casting - döküm
chances - şansı
earth - toprak
addicted - bağımlı
believe - inanmak
throw - atmak
bread - ekmek
betrayed - ihanet
loose - gevşek
things - eşyalar
beware - dikkat
breeze - esinti
river - Nehir
gentle - nazik
lights - ışıklar
leaves - yapraklar
light - ışık
trees - ağaçlar
atmosphere - atmosfer
poison - zehir
meaning - anlam
sleepy - uykulu
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
wonder - merak etmek
perfumed - parfümlü
powerless - güçsüz
rejoin - yeniden katılmak
silent - Sessiz
ducks - ördekler
return - dönüş
smoky - dumanlı
rustling - hışırtı
cooled - soğutulan
shaken - sarsılmış
shall - -acak
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