Two weeks after my arrival Fox died just after sunset
I was stretched out on the bed when he approached
And tried painfully to jump up he wagged his tail nervously
Since the beginning he hadn't touched his bowl once
He had lost a lot of weight
I helped him to settle on my lap
For a few seconds he looked at me
With a curious mixture of exhaustion and apology
Then, calmed, he closed his eyes
Two minutes later he gave out his last breath
I buried him beside the residence
At the western extremity of the land
white - beyaz
tried - denenmiş
toward - karşı
surrounded - çevrili
stretched - gergin
simple - Basit
through - vasitasiyla
settle - yerleşmek
seldom - nadiren
stupid - aptal
seconds - saniye
rapid - hızlı
predecessors - öncülleri
possibility - olasılık
these - bunlar
painfully - acı
western - batı
residence - konut
night - gece
series - dizi
curious - meraklı
closed - kapalı
calmed - sakinleşti
after - sonra
greet - selamlamak
human - insan
helped - yardım etti
buried - gömülü
giving - vererek
weeks - haftalar
deformed - deforme olmuş
mission - misyon
nervously - sinirli olarak
arrival - varış
approached - yaklaştı
breath - nefes
small - küçük
fence - çit
central - merkezi
exhaustion - tükenme
beginning - başlangıç
sunset - gün batımı
introduce - takdim etmek
wagging - sallama
define - tanımlamak
might - belki
mixture - Karışım
transport - taşıma
during - sırasında
dropped - düştü
beside - yanında
minutes - dakika
extremity - uç
codes - kodlar
barrier - bariyer
being - olmak
protective - Koruyucu
gestured - gestured
beings - varlıklar
however - Ancak
ginger - zencefil
wagged - wagged
perverse - sapık
homage - saygı
identical - özdeş
since - dan beri
apology - özür
jumped - atladı
weight - ağırlık
later - sonra
looked - baktı
loves - sever
loving - seven
touched - müteessir
machine - makine
happens - olur
mongrel - melez
Çeviriyi görmek için herhangi bir kelimeye tıklayın
Cümlenin tamamını çevirmek için bu simgeye tıklayın