(Ja Rule)

Where would I be without my baby

The thought alone might break me

And I don´t wanna go crazy

But every thug needs a lady

(Ja Rule)

Girl it feel like you and I been mourning together

Inseparable, we chose pain over pleasure

For that you´ll forever be a, part of me

Mind body and soul ain´t no I in we (baby)

When you cry who wipes your tears

When you scared, who´s telling you there´s nothin to fear

Girl I´ll always be there

When you need a shoulder to lean on

Never hesitate knowing you can call on, your soul-mate

And vice versa, that´s why I be the first to

See Jacob´s and frost your wrist up

Now you owe me, I know you´re tired of being lonely

So baby girl put it on me

Chorus x2 (Ja Rule):

Where would I be without you (uh)

I only think about you (yeah)

I know you´re tired or being lonely (lonely)

So baby girl put it on me (put it on me)

wrong - Yanlış
wrist - bilek
would - olur
where - nerede
watch - izlemek
twice - iki defa
together - Birlikte
tired - yorgun
thought - düşünce
thinking - düşünme
yours - seninki
there - Orada
tears - gözyaşı
snuck - sokuldum
shoulder - omuz
scared - korkmuş
rocks - kayaçlar
telling - söylüyorum
pleasure - zevk
payment - ödeme
versa - tersi
crying - ağlayan
cause - sebeb olmak
control - kontrol
frost - don
lonely - yalnız
world - Dünya
complete - tamamlayınız
about - hakkında
chose - seçti
caught - yakalandı
wipes - silme bezleri
break - kırılma
block - blok
gifts - hediyeler
console - konsol
without - olmadan
think - düşünmek
against - karşısında
lying - yalan söyleme
crazy - çılgın
backdoor - arka kapı
being - olmak
respect - saygı
ballin - eğleniyoz
chorus - koro
alone - yalnız
outta - outta
honey - bal
always - Her zaman
since - dan beri
asleep - uykuda
every - proszę uważać
nights - gece
wanna - istiyorum
first - ilk
needs - ihtiyaçlar
strong - Güçlü
forever - sonsuza dek
accept - kabul etmek
gonna - olacak
gravy - sos
appreciate - anlamak
hesitate - tereddüt
leave - ayrılmak
heart - kalp
house - ev
inseparable - ayrılmaz
jacob - jacob
junior - genç
homie - homie
knowing - bilme
storm - fırtına
might - belki
never - asla
mourning - yas
nothin - hiçbir şey

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