
Yeah (yeah)...Yeah (yeah)..

You Know (you know)...Lets (lets)...Go (go)...[laughter]

Yeah (yeah)...Yeah...WHUTS MY NAME?!


They cool but they ain't R.U.L.E.

They do, but dont do it like me

Nobody, nobody, Does it Like R.U.L.E.

They do but dont do it like me

Nobody, nobody, Does it Like R.U.L.E.

[Verse 1]

Nobodys livin life the way that I live it

Nobodys spittin and doin it, I spit it

But who fuckin admitted

I'm one of the bigger biggest of niggaz that done did it

Been hated and delt wit it, when agents tap in my lyrics

So by the time that they hear it, the crime's already committed

Natural Born Killa, but that I'm already and then

wrong - Yanlış
witness - Tanık
where - nerede
wanted - aranan
types - türleri
tryin - çalışıyorum
through - vasitasiyla
testimony - tanıklık
summer - Yaz
streets - sokaklar
story - öykü
still - yine
speak - konuşmak
unfinished - bitmemiş
right - Sağ
people - insanlar
degrees - derece
agents - ajanları
biggest - en büyük
control - kontrol
lonely - yalnız
weaves - örgüleri
committed - taahhüt
jealous - kıskanç
natural - doğal
chorus - koro
verse - ayet
thats - şu
choosen - seçilen
window - pencere
tangled - karışık
livid - mosmor
hearin - duyan adam
nobody - kimse
hated - nefret edilen
angels - melekler
america - Amerika
throughout - boyunca
foolish - aptalca
admitted - kabul edilmiş
another - bir diğeri
blood - kan
befor - befor
should - meli
killed - öldürdü
especially - özellikle
already - zaten
finished - bitmiş
lyrics - şarkı sözleri
bigger - daha büyük
caine - caine
quite - oldukça
fuckin - lanet
gettin - gettin
these - bunlar
grave - mezar
ghettos - gettolar
business - iş
homie - homie
askin - Askin
hottest - sıcak
maiden - bakire
incredible - inanılmaz
bullshit - saçmalık
intro - intro
legacy - miras
known - bilinen
laughter - kahkaha
livin - sürmen
mirror - ayna
night - gece

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