Stripping business started in Africa long time ago

long long long time ago

White man went to Africa and

He saw these beautiful black women walkin' around sagging'

Dancing Workin' Livin' in the nude

You can see there public hair

This white man went from village to village

to seek out these black women

Watchin' them perform in the nude

words - kelimeler
women - kadınlar
white - beyaz
years - Yıl
where - nerede
village - köy
those - bu
there - Orada
thats - şu
these - bunlar
stripping - soyunma
figured - anladım
right - Sağ
africa - Afrika
beautiful - güzel
business - iş
bitches - orospular
europe - avrupa
start - başlama
people - insanlar
dancing - dans
shame - utanç
dance - dans
happen - olmak
black - siyah
gonna - olacak
profession - meslek
heard - duymuş
thing - şey
naked - çıplak
started - başladı
looked - baktı
around - etrafında
perform - yapmak
public - halka açık

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