In the time we spent together
Many words have passed between
And the feelings that we shared
are all behind us now
'Cause a change has come upon me
And I'm surly not the same
There is so much more than
what we feel and live every day
Relentless, unchanging
Though the world is still before me now
I'm seeing forever
I will keep my heart and mind with you
So joyously I'm waiting for the day
In a single timeless moment
would - olur
world - Dünya
words - kelimeler
which - hangi
waiting - bekleme
unchanging - değişmeyen
truly - gerçekten
histories - geçmişleri
knowledge - bilgi
forever - sonsuza dek
between - arasında
seeing - görme
before - önce
different - farklı
crossroads - kavşak
joyously - sevinçle
alive - canlı
change - değişiklik
relentless - acımasız
awaiting - bekleyen
feeling - duygu
feelings - duygular
living - yaşam
compare - karşılaştırmak
behind - arkasında
surly - somurtkan
lives - hayatları
drawing - çizim
still - yine
burden - yük
receive - teslim almak
spent - harcanmış
every - proszę uważać
conceive - gebe kalmak
single - Tek
heart - kalp
arrive - varmak
moment - an
passed - geçti
though - gerçi
given - verilmiş
mystery - gizem
shared - Paylaşılan
shrouded - kefen
simple - Basit
sometimes - ara sıra
standing - ayakta
strive - çabalamak
there - Orada
through - vasitasiyla
timeless - ebedi
hoping - umut
together - Birlikte
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