
These are last words of a hanging slave

How could I forget this

I rob you put you on my hit list

Under my nails are dirty look at the grime

My burnt lips from the roach clips

How can I shine

Being broker than a dope bitch

Powerful mind we brave men

I blow smoke and I'ma keep sayin


These are last words of a hanging slave

How can I forget this

I rob you put you on my hit list

Under my nails is dirty look at the grime

My burnt lips from the roach clips

How can I shine

Being broke and bag a dope bitch

Powerful minds we brave men

I'ma blow smoke and keep sayin

I wanna be more than that bullet that go through ya zone

Wanna be the lead that tear through ya skin and crack bones

Wanna be the heat you feel makin ya moan

Wanna be the hospital bed that you lay on

Wanna be the god you feel when you pray-on

It's Nashawn the type that get the hyper-con

I'm gonna kill something

Rap cats be real frontin

Fuck shootin legs

Cock back put his brains on the pave

Nigga how bout that

Close range with the gadge get payed

First rapper to shoot off stage

Turn the front page the next day my life is like a book

A twenty four hour song without no hook

weapons - silahlar
watch - izlemek
wanna - istiyorum
through - vasitasiyla
think - düşünmek
these - bunlar
stunning - çarpıcı
smoke - duman
slide - kaymak
sleep - uyku
slave - köle
slammer - Slammer
frontin -
folks - arkadaşlar
fallin - düşüyor
apart - ayrı
bodied - vücutlu
crack - çatlak
prayers - namaz
convicts - hükümlü
clips - klip
groan - inilti
could - could
consider - düşünmek
colder - daha soğuk
legal - yasal
makin - makin
chips - cips
woman - kadın
twenty - yirmi
coffin - tabut
before - önce
rapper - kapı tokmağı
chance - şans
gadge - gadge
chorus - koro
alone - yalnız
forget - unutmak
comming - geliyor
hotter - sıcak
release - serbest bırakmak
bullet - mermi
dirty - kirli
better - Daha iyi
brains - beyin
gotcha - Yakaladım
stone - taş
minds - zihinler
about - hakkında
alive - canlı
dream - rüya
close - kapat
outside - dışında
brave - cesur
always - Her zaman
thugs - haydut
something - bir şey
being - olmak
place - yer
broke - kırdı
instead - yerine
first - ilk
become - olmak
remorse - vicdan azabı
night - gece
hospital - hastane
cause - sebeb olmak
range - menzil
shootin - shootin
burnt - yanmış
stage - evre
grime - kir
bitch - orospu
tears - gözyaşı
bones - kemikler
computer - bilgisayar
front - Ön
around - etrafında
broker - komisyoncu
gonna - olacak
pulse - nabız
sayin - sayin
guards - Gardiyanlar
house - ev
without - olmadan
enters - girer
hyper - aşırı
pictures - resimler
inside - içeride
summer - Yaz
listen - dinlemek
shine - parlaklık
livin - sürmen
matter - madde
maybe - olabilir
nickname - rumuz
millennium - milenyum
metal - metal
misery - sefalet
winter - kış

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