[Verse 1:]

My niggas got scarred grills, skully hats and gats be fullies

Brrat, cars peel, the east coast cartel

Rats get they tail snapped and trapped

It's snitches in the streets and it's snitches in rap

Pure euphoria, a dose of death to all of ya

Coroner choruses, some from the Bridge to Astoria

Dreams of fallin' in a elevator passin' floors

Suddenly stop, the doors open up to a brick wall

I can smell the haters, wishful thinkers, bad luck prayers

Picture ya tarot cards and bodyguards gettin' sprayed up

Sabotagin' my make-up, my watches get laced up

Even if they indited Jacob

Forensics, paramedics, carry cowards off

The frivolated shock to ya chest, try to cough

They die and hit Hell from a iron

I'm fly in YSL, I'm paid from this shit

Got bitches high as Hell and they fuckin' like AIDS don't exist

They get sent to ya hotel or made in this shit

Put a barrel in the capo mouth, 'til his scalp come out

You a kid, you don't live what you rap about

Came poetic, too many haters to count

Too much paper to count, QB bitch

[Chorus: x2]

Join me in war, many will live, many will mourn

Money over bullshit, pistols over brawlin'

wishful - istekli
which - hangi
wallpaper - duvar kağıdı
today - bugün
thinkers - düşünürler
there - Orada
target - Hedef
vegas - vegas
table - tablo
switzerland - cliquetis en un palabre o selecciona una expresion pour ver la traducción
survive - hayatta kalmak
suddenly - aniden
strength - kuvvet
streets - sokaklar
still - yine
status - durum
snapped - tersledi
smell - koku
thought - düşünce
shock - şok
seven - yedi
scalp - kafa derisi
flatline - düz çizgi
eaters - yiyiciler
doors - kapılar
slang - argo
candles - mumlar
tarot - tarot
smarter - daha akıllı
crack - çatlak
dismisses - reddine
cowards - korkaklar
cough - öksürük
cocksucker - ibne
bitch - orospu
afraid - korkmuş
black - siyah
about - hakkında
death - ölüm
coroner - sorgu yargıcı
count - saymak
watches - saatler
coast - sahil
diamonds - elmaslar
dreams - rüyalar
laced - bağcıklı
private - Özel
choruses - koroları
laugh - gülmek
alive - canlı
euphoria - öfori
antique - antik
places - yerler
astoria - astoria
cartel - kartel
bridge - köprü
morticians - levazımcılarından
climb - tırmanış
carry - taşımak
agreement - anlaşma
fortresses - kaleler
tongue - dil
exist - var olmak
bullshit - saçmalık
pistols - tabancalar
glance - bakış
bitches - orospular
plotted - çizilen
blast - üfleme
bodyguards - korumalar
general - Genel
forever - sonsuza dek
forget - unutmak
chorus - koro
planes - düzlemler
brick - tuğla
verse - ayet
fifty - elli
corner - Köşe
snitches - muhbirler
claim - i̇ddia
cards - kartları
peeps - iç sesim
trapped - hapsolmuş
caviar - havyar
floors - katlar
forensics - adli
party - parti
leases - kiralamalar
grade - sınıf
pretty - güzel
grind - eziyet
haters - nefret edenler
hotel - otel
jacob - jacob
chest - göğüs
landed - indi
madam - سيدتي
lives - hayatları
carpet - halı

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