One time.. yeah.. yeah..

Yo, all I need is one mic, one beat, one stage

One nigga front, my face on the front page

Only if I had one gun, one girl and one crib

One God to show me how to do things his son did

Pure, like a cup of virgin blood; mixed with

151, one sip'll make a nigga flip

Writin names on my hollow tips, plottin shit

Mad violence who I'm gon' body, this hood politics

Ackowledge it, leave bodies chopped in garbages

Seeds watch us, grow up and try to follow us

Police watch us {*siren*} roll up and try knockin us

One knee I ducked, could it be my time is up

But my luck, I got up, the cop shot again

Bus stop glass bursts, a fiend drops his Heineken

Richochetin between the spots that I'm hidin in

Blackin out as I shoot back, fuck gettin hit! [more sirens]

This is my hood I'ma rep, to the death of it

'til everybody come home, little niggaz is grown

Hoodrats, don't abortion your womb, we need more warriors soon

Sip from the star sun and the moon

In this life of police chases street sweepers and coppers

Stick-up kids with no conscience, leavin victims with doctors



[whispering again]

Yo, all I need is one mic..

All I need is one mic.. that's all I need

All I need is one mic.. all I need niggaz

All I need is one mic.. yeah

[gradually getting louder]

All I need is one blunt, one page, and one pen

One prayer - tell God forgive for one sin

Matter fact maybe more than one, look back

youngster - delikanlı
world - Dünya
whole - bütün
which - hangi
watch - izlemek
voice - Ses
virgin - bakire
violence - şiddet
victims - Kurbanlar
until - a kadar
times - zamanlar
throwin - dahil etmek
through - vasitasiyla
where - nerede
thought - düşünce
think - düşünmek
things - eşyalar
thing - şey
thick - kalın
these - bunlar
talkin - konuşmasıyla
stronger - güçlü
strapped - sarılı
wonder - merak etmek
starting - Başlangıç
stick - çubuk
stand - durmak
stage - evre
would - olur
wanna - istiyorum
start - başlama
squeal - ispiyon
spread - yayilmiş
speaks - konuşur
souls - ruhlar
sometime - bazen
slide - kaymak
sirens - Sirenler
shots - çekim
years - Yıl
seven - yedi
seeds - tohumlar
shoot - ateş etme
right - Sağ
really - gerçekten mi
ready - hazır
weakness - zayıflık
quieter - daha sessiz
finally - en sonunda
dumpster - çöplüğü
explode - patlamak
grown - yetişkin
revenge - intikam
everybody - Herkes
eternal - sonsuz
abortion - kürtaj
ducked - vurdum
drops - damla
flyin - uçarak gelmek
egotistical - egoist
could - could
wheelchairs - tekerlekli sandalye
diamonds - elmaslar
little - küçük
three - üç
complete - tamamlayınız
straight - düz
blood - kan
track - iz
range - menzil
cause - sebeb olmak
gettin - gettin
scars - yara izleri
coppers - bakırlar
change - değişiklik
night - gece
kingpin - en önemli kimse
fiend - şeytan
bitches - orospular
funeral - cenaze
forgive - affetmek
between - arasında
prayer - namaz
chopped - kıyılmış
melon - kavun
empty - Boş
hidin - saklanıyoruz
brothers - kardeşler
sixteen - on altı
blindin - kör
shoulda - olmalıydınız
doctors - Doktorlar
again - Tekrar
politics - siyaset
finished - bitmiş
other - diğer
death - ölüm
semis - yarı
brawl - kavga
sentence - cümle

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