
Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them dumbs at?

Where where them dumbs at?


I slow dance with the Devil

Snow setting in the bezzle

Mo' sipping, phantom bumping Aaron Neville

Polo black scented, eyes squinted

Air Force One's, with my own patent in it

Fresher than a star, glowing up in the galaxy

Pagan holidays, are way far from my reality

Far through Evisu jeans, lethal green

Oliver peoples shades when I creep through Queens

With no AKs, I'm the ambassador

Robin Hood in the Aston Mart.

Lotta blood gonna splash in war

Task force homicide, federalies gonna arrest

But y'all ain't never seen nothing

whether - olup olmadığını
where - nerede
traffic - trafik
taste - damak zevki
table - tablo
swiftness - çabukluk
street - sokak
stand - durmak
sprayed - püskürtme
specifically - özellikle
smooth - pürüzsüz
smoke - duman
slaves - köle
sipping - yudumlarken
speech - konuşma
scented - kokulu
royce - royce
rolls - rulo
robin - narbülbülü
question - soru
pusher - itici
proof - kanıt
printing - baskı
presidents - başkanlar
wanna - istiyorum
plasma - plazma
phantom - fantom
smash - parçalamak
dollar - dolar
maybach - maybach
sickest - en hasta
dance - dans
shades - iz
criteria - kriterleri
sparking - kıvılcım
queens - kraliçeler
could - could
close - kapat
squinted - squinted
circle - daire
brainiac - brainiac'ın
dollars - dolar
green - yeşil
cigars - purolar
glowing - parıltılı
chrome - krom
dangerous - Tehlikeli
chick - civciv
patrick - patrick
dumbs - dumbs
fresher - أعذب
channel - Kanal
changed - değişmiş
wrapped - örtülü
homicide - cinayet
change - değişiklik
chances - şansı
etiquette - görgü kuralları
creep - sürünme
dimes - Dimes
conglomerate - holding
betcha - Betcha
flashing - yanıp sönen
ancestors - Atalarımız
about - hakkında
message - mesaj
trick - hile
aaron - aaron
blood - kan
chorus - koro
ambassador - Büyükelçi
diamonds - elmaslar
setting - ayar
bring - getirmek
skull - kafatası
elbows - dirsekler
brains - beyin
diversified - çeşitli
devil - şeytan
arrest - tutuklamak
million - milyon
regular - düzenli
bitch - orospu
bumping - çarpma
silencing - susturma
bridge - köprü
busting - bozma
bench - bank
ladies - kadınlar
chains - zincirler
floor - Zemin
black - siyah
force - kuvvet
guitar - gitar
froze - dondu
first - ilk
funds - para
poltergeist - afacan peri
groom - Damat
splash - sıçrama

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