Look here 'Sheed

Pretty Mike shanked Two Face Al, over some gal

Found the body dead in the isles

Death by strangulation, microphone cord, a dirty broad

Tell Shaniro play it again Sham, damn, that was my jam

Now she's on the lam, she made it out wit' two hundred grand

What a scam! While these two compete on who's the star of the show

Golden Legs there makes off wit' the dough

I read the paper there wit' Joe the Butcher

He says "one glance is all it took ya" she's a real looker

They say her old man's a bootlegger, transport in any weather

And at this rate we'll never get her

Fellas, think it's time I call it a night

All this talk of mystery dames gettin' me tight

Thought I saw her in my eyesight, right

Hate to spoil the party, what are you guys havin'?

The same? Waiter, another round for the gang

It's strange how I always felt out of place

Joe the Butcher's my ace, but in comes Freckleface

So I said "see ya later"

Before I hurt him and his two ugly thumb breakers

He met them in Louisiana wrestlin' gators

An idiot can tell they're involved in the caper

So I pulled the revolver out my waist up

whole - bütün
waiter - garson
waist - bel
twisted - bükülmüş
while - süre
tryna - çalıştığını
weather - hava
truth - hakikat
tipsy - içkili
tight - sıkı
thumb - başparmak
think - düşünmek
these - bunlar
theories - teoriler
suave - tatlı
streetlamp - Sokak lambası
strangulation - boğma
strange - garip
straight - düz
starts - başlar
sponsor - sponsor
fellas - dostlar
choke - boğma
eyesight - görme yeteneği
broad - geniş
earlier - daha erken
patrol - devriye
drove - sürdü
drops - damla
couch - kanepe
drinks - içecekler
dough - hamur
another - bir diğeri
devil - şeytan
fella - adam
looker - güzel ve çekici kız
dames - dames
conspiracy - komplo
cried - ağladım
white - beyaz
evidence - kanıt
floor - Zemin
criminal - adli
bootlegger - içki kaçakçısı
somewhere - bir yerde
breakers - kesiciler
dirty - kirli
microphone - mikrofon
bodega - bodega
campbell - campbell
found - bulunan
compete - yarışmak
empty - Boş
again - Tekrar
gates - kapılar
played - oyunun
cypress - selvi
forties - kırk yaşlarında
louisiana - louisiana
money - para
reason - neden
always - Her zaman
shanked - shanked
chopped - kıyılmış
rhymes - kafiyem
before - önce
clive - clive
transport - taşıma
skirt - etek
butcher - kasap
caper - muziplik
charlie - charlie
between - arasında
cigarette - sigara
place - yer
death - ölüm
gators - Timsahlar
behind - arkasında
makes - markaları
night - gece
glance - bakış
minded - fikirli
silhouette - siluet
round - yuvarlak
gloves - eldiven
golden - altın
doggystyle - felice
alive - canlı
isles - adaları
grand - büyük
truck - kamyon
hangs - takılıyor
sweetheart - bir tanem
hundred - yüz
mouth - ağız
idiot - salak
involved - ilgili
later - sonra
there - Orada
comes - geliyor

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