You taught me a lesson about love today

Love is not a castle in the clouds

Cause when there's a storm, it'll all come crashing down

I'd rather find it like a penny on the ground

Cause that's something I can keep and carry around

Truth is not a feather blowin' round in the wind

It's that jump in your heart, goosebumps on your skin

Just pinch me if it's really happening

Cause I'm more awake than I've ever been

And you're the one from my dream

You're out of my mind

And into my heart

witness - Tanık
typical - tipik
ground - Zemin
something - bir şey
think - düşünmek
goosebumps - goosebumps
round - yuvarlak
dreams - rüyalar
heart - kalp
rather - daha doğrusu
evidence - kanıt
chorus - koro
dream - rüya
feather - kuş tüyü
crashing - kilitlenen
still - yine
could - could
truth - hakikat
cause - sebeb olmak
around - etrafında
believe - inanmak
comes - geliyor
about - hakkında
clouds - bulutlar
front - Ön
castle - kale
point - puan
doubter - şüpheci kimse
hands - eller
lesson - ders
today - bugün
never - asla
penny - kuruş
pinch - tutam
really - gerçekten mi
proof - kanıt
carry - taşımak
storm - fırtına
feeling - duygu
right - Sağ
understand - anlama
grounded - topraklı
awake - uyanık
stand - durmak
someone - Birisi
happening - olay
taught - öğretilen
hardcore - Hardcore
thought - düşünce

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