There's a sign in the rain
Every now and again
It is a symbol of hope
In the midst of a catastrophic episode
In the hour of death
There's a spiritual wealth
When we dance through the rain
And form the signs once again
If even for a second
I hear a voice on the air
It has a warning to share
"Don't believe what you see"
"You can't perceive what you feel"
But if I do what I'm told
And shun the spirit I hold
I'm no longer a human
wealth - servet
voice - Ses
through - vasitasiyla
there - Orada
warning - uyarı
storm - fırtına
shift - vardiya
second - ikinci
perceive - algılamak
moments - anlar
starts - başlar
midst - ortasında
shouting - haykırış
dance - dans
human - insan
coming - gelecek
choose - seçmek
years - Yıl
catastrophic - katastrofik
episode - bölüm
symbol - sembol
reason - neden
blind - kör
giving - vererek
leads - potansiyel müşteriler
believe - inanmak
about - hakkında
astray - yoldan
again - Tekrar
death - ölüm
behind - arkasında
lives - hayatları
signs - işaretler
longer - uzun
spiritual - manevi
devil - şeytan
sands - kumlar
doubt - şüphe
should - meli
share - pay
every - proszę uważać
spirit - ruh
hatred - kin
incapacitated - aciz bırakılmış
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