[Bonus track]

[music and lyrics by Dead Can Dance]

Fair Roseanna your vagrancy's a familiar tale

Fraught with danger the lives you led were judged profane

Hatred enfolds us

Inculcates the minds with it's heresy

Laymen enfold us

Clemency arrives to set you free


Although Xavier has prayed

That life-giving waters may rain

Down on the souls of man

where - nerede
illuminate - aydınlatmak
minds - zihinler
hatred - kin
giving - vererek
bound - ciltli
emerge - çıkmak
waters - deniz
freedom - özgürlük
bonus - bonus
forest - orman
etched - kazınmış
dance - dans
familiar - Tanıdık
chains - zincirler
pursuit - kovalama
bears - ayılar
unseen - görünmeyen
heart - kalp
arrives - geldiğinde
fraught - dolu
enfold - sarmak
souls - ruhlar
although - olmasına rağmen
faith - inanç
original - orijinal
clemency - merhamet
heresy - sapıklık
music - müzik
these - bunlar
danger - Tehlike
lives - hayatları
lyrics - şarkı sözleri
stigma - leke
mysteries - gizemler
jewels - mücevherler
laymen - sokaktaki adam,
prayed - dua
night - gece
nightmares - kabuslar
profane - dinle ilgisi olmayan
turns - dönüşler
judged - yargılanır
those - bu
their - onların
track - iz
veils - peçe

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