(Oh na, na, na)

She hosts a T.V. show--she rides the rodeo

She plays the bass in a band

She's an astronaut--

a valet at the parking lot

A farmer working the land

She is a champion--she gets the gold

She's a ballerina--the star of the show

She's--not--just a pretty face

She's--got--everything it takes

She has a fashion line--

a journalist for "Time"

Coaches a football team

She's a geologist--a romance novelist

She is a mother of three

She is a soldier--she is a wife

woman - kadın
waitress - bayan garson
valet - uşak
teacher - öğretmen
takes - alır
surgeon - cerrah
subway - metro
soldier - asker
romance - romantik
rodeo - rodeo
pretty - güzel
working - çalışma
politician - politikacı
plays - oyunlar
parking - otopark
council - konsey
coaches - koçlar
judge - hakim
pumps - pompalar
champion - şampiyon
airplane - uçak
flies - sinekler
ballerina - balerin
world - Dünya
three - üç
farmer - çiftçi
night - gece
train - Tren
astronaut - astronot
everything - her şey
fashion - moda
rides - sürmek
every - proszę uważać
football - futbol
gasoline - benzin
geologist - jeolog
praises - övgü
board - yazı tahtası
hosts - ana bilgisayarlar
human - insan
journalist - gazeteci
mother - anne
novelist - romancı

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