This place is a desert for the mind

Devoid of emotion and barren of thought

No real thought, at least

It's no surprise

Most minds here have long since atrophied from lack of use

They wait in flatline for the next rushing jolt of synthetic stimulation

truth - hakikat
terrified - korkmuş
synthetic - sentetik
surprise - Sürpriz
rushing - acele
seeing - görme
rumours - söylentiler
prisoner - tutsak
prison - hapis
place - yer
minds - zihinler
cowering - cowering
could - could
always - Her zaman
compare - karşılaştırmak
desert - çöl
world - Dünya
since - dan beri
capable - yetenekli
flatline - düz çizgi
leads - potansiyel müşteriler
might - belki
thought - düşünce
blame - suçlama
contemplating - düşünürken
atrophied - körelmiş
stimulation - uyarım
filtered - süzülmüş
barren - çorak
emotion - duygu
devoid - yoksun
unique - benzersiz
allowed - izin
distant - uzak
least - en az
faded - solmuş
heard - duymuş
instincts - içgüdüleri

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