Sittin' high on a hillside takin' in all the growth

Time to throw away my problems

Cause I made 'em up myself

So I took all those worries, put 'em up on a shelf

And headed on down to the sea shore

Clouds slowly passin' as I walked on the sand

I picked up a seashell and I made up my plan

I could feel the spirit of life in my hand

worries - Endişeye
throw - atmak
stood - durdu
those - bu
early - Erken
destiny - kader
breathe - nefes almak
could - could
clouds - bulutlar
shore - kıyı
believed - inanılır
headed - başlı
growth - Büyüme
cause - sebeb olmak
beach - plaj
hillside - yamaç
looking - seyir
shelf - raf
myself - kendim
slowly - yavaşça
walked - yürüdü
picked - seçilmiş
reached - ulaştı
space - uzay
where - nerede
problems - sorunlar
seashell - deniz kabuğu
spirit - ruh

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