Thought about the folks back home

All those miles that we had roamed

Still can see your pretty hair

When I come back will you be there

You flew away like a kite

I hope you find your light

I pray they treat you right

What a sacrifice

Miles and miles I have roamed

Lookin' for that home sweet home

wrong - Yanlış
wedding - Düğün
understand - anlama
twice - iki defa
thought - düşünce
those - bu
there - Orada
macon - macon
roamed - dolaştı
young - genç
lonely - yalnız
about - hakkında
treat - tedavi etmek
right - Sağ
broke - kırdı
found - bulunan
lifetime - ömür
light - ışık
folks - arkadaşlar
pretty - güzel
still - yine
might - belki
sacrifice - kurban
miles - mil
pride - gurur
their - onların
maybe - olabilir
someday - birgün
being - olmak
ready - hazır
sweet - tatlı
realized - gerçekleştirilen

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