I was picking up a suit from the dry cleaners
Which was standard for me
Thursday, 12:30, I got a pretty solid routine these days
I don't know, it just works for me
Anyway, I was leaving I was getting in my car
And I went to adjust the rearview mirror, but in its reflection
Just for a second, I saw a figure, started to trigger
Memories of what I had learned, stopped me in my tracks
Who was that? it was my lover, my lover, from a past life
From a past life (feel like I saw a ghost)
From a past life (so unexpected)
From a past life (I was transfixed)
From a past life
Well, somewhere between a lover and a friend
It was different back then
Surreal, poetic so I'd say, like a bizarre chick flick with a confusing end
But I shut it down, closed it off
The sounds and smells I made myself forget
worst - en kötü
which - hangi
trying - çalışıyor
thursday - Perşembe
these - bunlar
surreal - gerçeküstü
stranger - yabancı
switching - anahtarlama
stopped - durduruldu
standard - Standart
right - Sağ
solution - çözüm
reflection - yansıma
started - başladı
random - rasgele
transfixed - mıhlanmış
pretty - güzel
rearview - dikiz
poetic - şiirsel
flick - fiske
tracks - raylar
crazy - çılgın
smells - kokuyor
feels - hissediyor
somewhere - bir yerde
hello - merhaba
friend - arkadaş
maybe - olabilir
cleaners - temizleyiciler
consumes - consumes
chick - civciv
cheap - ucuz
unexpected - beklenmedik
different - farklı
lover - sevgili
picking - toplama
anyway - neyse
could - could
bizarre - tuhaf
always - Her zaman
ghost - hayalet
became - oldu
event - olay
about - hakkında
works - eserleri
between - arasında
moving - hareketli
sounds - sesleri
bones - kemikler
closed - kapalı
confusing - kafa karıştırıcı
block - blok
routine - Rutin
forget - unutmak
wanna - istiyorum
first - ilk
second - ikinci
getting - alma
trigger - tetik
adjust - ayarlamak
leaving - ayrılma
phone - telefon
guess - tahmin
tried - denenmiş
happen - olmak
thought - düşünce
instantly - anında
takes - alır
knows - bilir
mirror - ayna
learned - bilgili
memories - hatıralar
solid - katı
myself - kendim
figure - şekil
number - numara
never - asla
banal - banal
normal - normal
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