So you're on the floor, at 54

Think you can last - at the Palace

Does your body go to the to and fro?

But tonight's the night - or didn't you know

That Ivan meets G.I. Joe

He tried his tricks- that Ruskie bear

The United Nations said it's all fair

He did the radiation - the chemical plague

But he could not win - with a cossack spin

wiped - sildi
united - birleşmiş
watch - izlemek
think - düşünmek
russian - rusça
repertoire - repertuar
radiation - radyasyon
radar - radar
clean - temiz
crowd - kalabalık
hitch - aksama
cossack - фобічний
china - çin
strike - vuruş
leviathan - dev gemi
bored - canı sıkkın
plate - plaka
break - kırılma
earth - toprak
chemical - kimyasal
turned - dönük
every - proszę uważać
meets - karşılayan
floor - Zemin
stalin - stalin
drilled - delinmiş
could - could
nations - milletler
tried - denenmiş
night - gece
palace - saray
payphone - ankesörlü telefon
pentagon - pentagon
tricks - püf nokta
plague - veba

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