I'm not the one who made the world what it is today

I'm not the one who caused the problems started long ago

But now I deal with all the consequence that troubles our times

I carry on and never once have even questioned why

I'm innocent

But the weight of the world is on my shoulders

I'm innocent

But the battles started are far from over

We 're not the ones who leave the homeless in the streets at night

We're not the ones who've kept minorities and women down

world - Dünya
nuclear - nükleer
children - çocuklar
night - gece
minorities - azınlıklar
plight - vâât
wonder - merak etmek
today - bugün
streams - akışları
leave - ayrılmak
starve - açlıktan öldürmek
innocent - masum
overwhelmed - boğulmuş
streets - sokaklar
inherit - miras almak
faraway - uzak
skies - Gökyüzü
lives - hayatları
bombs - bombalar
women - kadınlar
ruined - harap
contribution - katkı
lands - topraklar
become - olmak
carry - taşımak
shoulders - omuzlar
whose - kimin
never - asla
caused - neden oldu
descendants - torunları
mistakes - hatalar
consequence - sonuç
problems - sorunlar
pollution - kirlilik
questioned - sorgulandığı
realizing - fark
still - yine
blackened - isli
threaten - tehdit etmek
homeless - evsiz
without - olmadan
started - başladı
suffer - acı çekmek
battles - savaşlar
times - zamanlar
troubles - sıkıntılar
unsafe - emniyetsiz
weight - ağırlık

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