As down the glen came McAlpines men with their shovels slung behind them
‘Twas in the pub that they drank the sub and up in the spike you’ll find them
They sweated blood and they washed down mud with pints and quarts of beer
And now we’re on the road again with McAlpine’s Fusiliers
I stripped to the skin with Darkie Flynn way down upon the Isle of Grain
Wi’ that horsed Face O’Toole, sure we knew the rule, no money if you stopped for rain.
underneath - altında
hydro - hidro
looked - baktı
horse - at
grabbed - yakaladı
ganger - postabaşı
across - karşısında
flynn - flynn
filled - dolu
going - gidiş
spike - başak
czech - Çek
shovels - kürekler
again - Tekrar
shoulders - omuzlar
drank - içti
navvy - kanal işçisi
stripped - sıyrılmıştır
money - para
quarts - litre
retort - imbik
behind - arkasında
christ - i̇sa
called - denilen
blood - kan
concrete - beton
pride - gurur
rough - kaba
slung - asılmış
darkie - zenci
nearly - neredeyse
washed - yıkandı
pints - pint
prayers - namaz
reached - ulaştı
remember - hatırlamak
cards - kartları
russian - rusça
seared - katılaşmış
tough - sert
short - kısa
stairs - merdivenler
shuddering - ürperen
worked - işlenmiş
stopped - durduruldu
grain - tahıl
sweat - ter
sweated - sömürülen
thames - thames
their - onların
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