"Hate the price of fame 'cause it costs too much" (yeah boy)
"And you lame niggas talk too much" (yeah)
"I'm ready for whatever, somebody better tell 'em" (yeah boy)
"I said I'm ready for whatever, hey hey"
[Verse 1]
Even though my head in the clouds, I'm planted on the pavement
How I'm walking around, people stand in amazement
And I play a lot of game on where I be and I ain't playing with it
They so judgmental, everyday they don't understand
If your life was in jeopardy, everyday is you telling me
You wouldn't need weaponry just because of your felony
Consider this at least, I got everybody sweating me
On the streets is people who won't rest unless I rest in peace
Killed my folk a year ago, still in my sleep they threaten me
Paranoia stressing me, ain't nobody protecting me
I'm dealing with the pressure from my partner dying next to me
Think 'cause no one's arrested, they coming for me eventually
This was all the things I was going through mentally
This could be the reason I ignored the penitentiary
Now mention them New Orlean niggas coming in the city
Killing all summer long, ain't nobody paying attention
Now is it that hard to understand if you listen
Either die or go to jail, that's a hell of a decision
But I'm wrong and I know that my excuses aren't important
wrong - Yanlış
whatever - her neyse
walking - yürüme
waiting - bekleme
verse - ayet
threaten - tehdit etmek
thousand - bin
things - eşyalar
these - bunlar
talking - konuşma
surely - elbette
sucker - enayi
vicinity - yakinlarda
somebody - birisi
smoke - duman
going - gidiş
getting - alma
better - Daha iyi
where - nerede
future - gelecek
stand - durmak
outweigh - daha ağır gelmek
through - vasitasiyla
forever - sonsuza dek
paying - ödeme yapan
every - proszę uważać
focused - odaklı
coming - gelecek
filthy - pis
clouds - bulutlar
think - düşünmek
fighter - savaşçı
tryna - çalıştığını
felony - suç
fades - sönüyor
excuses - bahane
either - ya
though - gerçi
eventually - sonunda
dealing - muamele
community - toplum
arrested - tutuklandı
maliciously - kötü niyetle
considering - düşünen
partner - ortak
asset - varlık
everyday - her gün
understand - anlama
spent - harcanmış
people - insanlar
weaponry - silâhlar
costs - maliyetler
around - etrafında
admit - itiraf etmek
chorus - koro
everythin - dinlenme
attention - dikkat
anybody - kimse
afford - parası yetmek
decision - Karar
sweating - terlemek
deliver - teslim etmek
blurry - bulanık
peace - barış
least - en az
mentally - zihinsel olarak
nobody - kimse
caught - yakalandı
amazement - şaşkınlık
broke - kırdı
stressing - vurgulayarak
choice - seçim
summer - Yaz
listen - dinlemek
because - Çünkü
planted - ekili
about - hakkında
clears - vernikler
reason - neden
there - Orada
heart - kalp
jeopardy - tehlike
gonna - olacak
father - baba
sleep - uyku
gotta - lazım
guilty - suçlu
straps - askıları
paranoia - paranoya
history - tarih
everybody - Herkes
bright - parlak
ignored - ihmal
penitentiary - cezaevi
pressure - basınç
hurry - acele
letting - icar
important - önemli
niggas - zenciler
publicity - tanıtım
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