she wore red shoes by the newstand

as the rain splashed the nickle

spilled like chablis along the midway

theres a little bluejay

in a red dress, on a sad night

one straw in a rootbeer

a compact with a cracked mirror

and a bottle of evening in paris perfume

whats this sad tune

he told her to wait by the magazines

he had to take care of some business it seems

bring a raincoat

and a suitcase

and your dark eyes

and wear those red shoes

theres a dark huddle at the bus stop

unbrellas arranged in a sad bouquet

Li'l cesar got caught

whats - neyin
theres - gidecekseniz
those - bu
their - onların
store - mağaza
steal - çalmak
wearing - giyme
splashed - sıçrayan
soldiers - Askerler
sidewalks - kaldırımlar
shoes - ayakkabı
seems - görünüyor
second - ikinci
santa - santa
compact - kompakt
claus - claus
cooled - soğutulan
dress - elbise
chamber - bölme
stations - istasyonlar
perfume - parfüm
caught - yakalandı
arranged - düzenlenmiş
chains - zincirler
jingle - şıngırdamak
spilled - dökülen
rattled - sarstı
bayed - bayed
waited - bekledi
straw - saman
bluejay - bluejay
suitcase - bavul
alarm - Alarm
burgler - hırsız
chablis - chablis'de
never - asla
cracked - çatlamış
tonight - Bu gece
cesar - cesar
bottle - şişe
christmas - noel
evening - akşam
puddle - su birikintisi
diamond - elmas
mirror - ayna
hounds - tazılar
drugstore - eczane
drunk - sarhoş
paris - Paris
changing - değiştirme
business - iş
huddle - toplamak
splash - sıçrama
bring - getirmek
little - küçük
going - gidiş
jewelry - takı
looked - baktı
bouquet - buket
loved - sevilen
magazines - dergiler
washes - yıkamalar
along - uzun bir
memories - hatıralar
midway - yarı yolda
night - gece
before - önce
raincoat - yağmurluk

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