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Öğrenmeye başla
we found this hairpiece in the
vicinity of the failed bomb attempt.
Have you seen it before ?
What can you tell me about this wig ?
it's your basic Irish jig.
- Your basic wig.
- Did you fit it ?
- Maybe.
- But you would recognize ?
But it's a stock model.
It's your job. You have an eye
for these things.
It would have to be a perfect
Not necessarily.
- Do I know you ?
- No.
Color of the hair, the dimension of
the baldness, whether it was curly or not.
- Sometimes it don't match.
- What's that ?
Sometimes we're in a rush.
But you won't put a curly-haired wig
on a straight-haired man.
We might.
If we could get away with it.
If he's a cheapo --
then he gets the cheapo deal.
- The cheapo wig.
- But he'd look the right heel.
- That rhymed.
- So it did.
This wig has been chewed up by dogs.
Do you have a dog ?
- No.
- What about you ?
I hate dogs.
This wig could have been changed. Could
have been dyed a different color
Did you sell a similar model
of a different color ?
I don't think so.
Look, we're businessmen.
He's a protestant.
I'm a catholic.
We're not gonna run
supplied sample wigs
- Well, that's it.
- This is a sample wig ?
- Maybe.
- You've never sold a sample wig.
The sample wig
is not supposed to be sold.
- How many sample wigs were you given?
- One.
Where is it now ?
Do you have it with you ?
I don't know where it is right now.
We'd have to look for it.
Well, that would be nice.
Now, what day is this ?
just around the corner.
Father Christmas.
And what
comes after Christmas ?
I'm going to give you
two weeks, jog the memory.
Dig up the old sample wig.
And if, at that point,
you still can't recall,
I'm going to insist you give me
every receipt, every order form,
Every bank statement and every
phone Bill since you two...
You two freaks
started your little business.
would - olur
vicinity - yakinlarda
think - düşünmek
these - bunlar
supposed - sözde
supplied - verilen
still - yine
statement - açıklama
things - eşyalar
started - başladı
sometimes - ara sıra
similar - Benzer
sample - numune
right - Sağ
rhymed - kafiyeli
recognize - tanımak
recall - hatırlama
protestant - Protestan
around - etrafında
stock - stok
christmas - noel
dimension - boyut
different - farklı
failed - başarısız oldu
going - gidiş
gonna - olacak
chewed - çiğnenmiş
corner - Köşe
memory - Bellek
color - renk
attempt - girişim
comes - geliyor
basic - Temel
weeks - haftalar
before - önce
about - hakkında
catholic - liberal
every - proszę uważać
curly - Kıvırcık
after - sonra
hairpiece - postiş
irish - İrlanda
business - iş
insist - ısrar etmek
whether - olup olmadığını
baldness - kellik
phone - telefon
match - maç
little - küçük
businessmen - işadamları
father - baba
cheapo - ucuzcu
found - bulunan
changed - değişmiş
necessarily - zorunlu olarak
order - sipariş
receipt - makbuz
freaks - ucubeler
since - dan beri
could - could
haired - saçlı
where - nerede
presents - hediyeler
given - verilmiş
maybe - olabilir
point - puan
might - belki
straight - düz
model - model
perfect - Mükemmel
never - asla
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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