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Öğrenmeye başla
Excuse me. Could
I get a headset?
- Certainly.
- Thank you.
Oh, my God, it was disgusting.
- Miss?
- I'll be right there, sir.
Where's your headset?
She's busy right now, but it's coming.
For crying out loud. You're missing
important plot points.
- Ma'am?
- Could you give me a second, sir?
Excuse me. Could I maybe
get that headset, please?
- Do not raise your voice to me, sir.
- I wasn't raising my voice.
Okay. Just calm down.
I am calm. I just want my headset.
Sir, our country is going through
a very difficult time right now.
And if you're not gonna cooperate
I don't know where a headset
ties into patriotism.
Is there a problem here, sir?
I don't think so.
Can you come to the back of the plane
with me so we can have a talk?
A talk about what? There's not a
- The stewardess just keeps--
- Flight attendant.
The flight attendant keeps
ignoring me when I ask...
Calm down.
I am calm.
What is it with you people?
"You people"?
No, no, wait a minute.
I don't mean you people.
I mean you people.
Sir, I will not tolerate any racist
behavior on the plane.
This is a very difficult time
for our country.
I know that. I'm not a racist.
I just want to watch the movie.
I'm only going to say this
one more time, sir. Calm down.
I'm calm!
All rise.
- What do you think?
- Oh, not guilty. It's a no-brainer.
Mr. Buznik. In case 723
assault and battery against a
flight attendant...
...l find you guilty.
watch - izlemek
gonna - olacak
going - gidiş
racist - ırkçı
flight - Uçuş
difficult - zor
crying - ağlayan
please - lütfen
could - could
brainer - beyin
people - insanlar
raise - yükseltmek
cooperate - işbirliği yapmak
disgusting - iğrenç
think - düşünmek
against - karşısında
thank - teşekkür
attendant - görevli
headset - kulaklık
battery - Pil
where - nerede
country - ülke
assault - saldırı
voice - Ses
ignoring - görmezden
coming - gelecek
buznik - Buznik
important - önemli
keeps - tutar
excuse - bahane
behavior - davranış
maybe - olabilir
missing - Eksik
movie - film
patriotism - vatanseverlik
points - makas
problem - Sorun
raising - yükselen
certainly - kesinlikle
right - Sağ
second - ikinci
tolerate - katlanmak
about - hakkında
plane - uçak
stewardess - hostes
guilty - suçlu
there - Orada
minute - dakika
through - vasitasiyla
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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