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Öğrenmeye başla
I like to start by saying
that every marriage is savable.
You just need two people who are
willing to work at it. Okay?
Mike, Amy, I want you
to look at each other
and say three things that
you like about each other.
- Can I go second?
- Okay. Yeah, sure.
Okay, Mike, I like that
you gave me my children.
I like that you pick
them up from school sometimes.
It's actually really helpful.
And... I... I like that you
came to therapy today.
- Okay, Mike. Your turn.
- Okay.
I like your spaghetti.
And you make pretty good calzone.
Was that three?
That was like one and then 1A.
You know what? Um... Let's
try some role playing.
All right, Amy, I want
you to pretend to be Mike,
and Mike, I want you
to pretend to be Amy.
Okay? And now I just want you
to just tell me about your day.
Hi, I'm Amy.
All I did today was,
like, rub lotion on my face
and talk, talk, talk, talk.
- Amy, would you like to...
- Yes, I would!
Hey, I'm Mike.
My life is awesome
because my wife takes care of
everything in the world for me.
This is the problem!
Here's the bottom line!
She's a perfectionist.
So what's the point
of even trying?
How is that a problem?
since my birthday five years ago!
Hold on one second!
You want a blowie?
Maybe if you cleaned the
kitchen, made the kids dinner,
cared for someone
other than yourself,
I would give you so many blowies
your fuckin' dick would explode.
My dick would never explode
'cause it's indestructible.
Oh, my God, I can't deal with
you! I can't fucking look at you.
I don't love you anymore.
I'm so sorry, but I just don't.
I'm so sick and tired
of pretending like I do.
That is exactly how I feel.
Okay... Remember when I said
that all marriages are savable?
Well, it ain't gonna
happen for you guys.
So what do you think we should do?
Well, as a therapist, I'm not
allowed to tell you what to do,
but as a human being with
two fuckin' eyes in my head,
yeah, I think you should get
divorced as soon as possible.
This is catastrophic shit.
yourself - kendin
years - Yıl
willing - istekli
tired - yorgun
three - üç
think - düşünmek
sorry - afedersiniz
sometimes - ara sıra
someone - Birisi
since - dan beri
should - meli
today - bugün
second - ikinci
saying - söz
savable - savable
right - Sağ
would - olur
exactly - kesinlikle
explode - patlamak
anymore - Artık
trying - çalışıyor
divorced - boşanmış
really - gerçekten mi
remember - hatırlamak
dinner - akşam yemegi
spaghetti - spagetti
children - çocuklar
start - başlama
problem - Sorun
allowed - izin
cleaned - temizlenir
fucking - kahrolası
actually - aslında
happen - olmak
pretending - davranarak
pretty - güzel
blowie - blowie
gonna - olacak
calzone - calzone
awesome - müthiş
being - olmak
maybe - olabilir
perfectionist - mükemmeliyetçi
therapist - terapist
point - puan
therapy - terapi
blowies - blowies
helpful - faydalı
cared - bakım
human - insan
world - Dünya
kitchen - mutfak
lotion - losyon
marriage - evlilik
school - okul
marriages - evlilikler
catastrophic - katastrofik
never - asla
about - hakkında
other - diğer
things - eşyalar
bottom - alt
indestructible - yok edilemez
people - insanlar
playing - oynama
takes - alır
possible - mümkün
everything - her şey
every - proszę uważać
because - Çünkü
birthday - doğum günü
pretend - taklit
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