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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
Alpha Whiskey, this is Zero Six.
Come in.
Zero Six, go ahead.
Zero Six is at rally point three
and standing by.
Zero Six, latest Intel
says your current location
undoable for pickup.
Stand by to copy rendezvous point.
Say again your last.
I am at the rendezvous point.
You need to hump it out to a safe zone.
I set IP Cadillac. Canada 1-5,
Virginia 2-0. Read back.
Negative. Negative.
I do not understand.
Why is this spot not doable for pickup?
I am good to go.
I say again, I am good to go now.
Zero Six, you are a combat naval aviator.
Start acting like one.
You've been shot down.
Life is tough. I am very sorry.
Now you pull yourself together.
You do whatever it takes.
Create some angles between
you and your pursuers.
Use your training. Use your head.
Evade and survive, and we
will bring you home.
Do you understand?
We will bring you home!
Zero Six?
Zero Six?
Someone's coming.
We lost the signal, sir.
- Where is he? Triangulate his position.
- We're on it, sir.
yourself - kendin
where - nerede
virginia - Virjinya
tough - sert
three - üç
survive - hayatta kalmak
start - başlama
whatever - her neyse
rendezvous - buluşma
rally - ralli
takes - alır
pursuers - peşindekiler
sorry - afedersiniz
point - puan
canada - Kanada
standing - ayakta
position - pozisyon
pickup - almak
bring - getirmek
angles - açılar
between - arasında
stand - durmak
alpha - alfa
current - şimdiki
cadillac - cadillac
latest - son
ahead - önde
whiskey - viski
undoable - undoable
training - eğitim
aviator - havacı
coming - gelecek
again - Tekrar
acting - oyunculuk
combat - savaş
understand - anlama
create - yaratmak
triangulate - üçgen
signal - işaret
intel - intel
doable - yapılabilir
together - Birlikte
naval - deniz
negative - negatif
evade - kaçınmak
location - yer
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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