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Öğrenmeye başla
You don't know me,
but my name is Edward Bloom...
...and I love you.
I've spent the last three years
working to find out who you are.
I've been shot, and stabbed, and trampled
a few times. I broke my ribs twice.
But it's all been worth it
to see you here now and...
to finally get to talk to you.
Because I'm destined to marry you.
I knew it the first
moment I saw you at the circus
and I know
it now more than ever.
- I'm sorry.
- You don't have to apologize to me.
I'm the luckiest person
you're gonna find today.
No, I'm sorry I'm engaged
to be married.
But you're wrong. I do know you.
At least by reputation.
Edward Bloom from Ashton.
See, I'm actually engaged
to a boy from Ashton. Don Price.
He was a few years older than you.
I'm sorry to have bothered you.
Stop it! It's not funny.
That poor boy.
Fate has a cruel way
of circling around on you.
After all this work to leave Ashton...
...the girl I love was now engaged
to one of its biggest jerks.
There's a time when a man
needs to fight...
...and a time when he needs to accept
that his destiny's lost...
...the ship has sailed,
and that only a fool will continue.
Truth is, I've always been a fool.
worth - değer
sorry - afedersiniz
first - ilk
needs - ihtiyaçlar
fight - kavga
broke - kırdı
wrong - Yanlış
ashton - Ashton
bothered - rahatsız
after - sonra
continue - devam et
always - Her zaman
edward - edward
price - fiyat
person - kişi
biggest - en büyük
destined - kaderinde
cruel - acımasız
actually - aslında
twice - iki defa
funny - komik
finally - en sonunda
years - Yıl
around - etrafında
apologize - özür dilemek
reputation - itibar
circling - çember
because - Çünkü
leave - ayrılmak
congratulations - tebrik ederiz
bloom - çiçek açmak
jerks - gerizekalı
luckiest - şanslı
three - üç
married - evli
circus - sirk
marry - evlenmek
moment - an
times - zamanlar
older - daha eski
working - çalışma
sailed - kalkmıştı
engaged - nişanlı
spent - harcanmış
least - en az
stabbed - bıçaklandı
today - bugün
accept - kabul etmek
gonna - olacak
trampled - çiğnenmiş
truth - hakikat
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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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