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Öğrenmeye başla
- Dad?
- Where is he?
- What are you doing here?
- Chad?
Hey, Chad, you motherfucker.
- Oh my God!
Are you kidding me?
Did he make you do something
you don't want to do?
'Cause I don't care if he's the
fucking coolest kid in school.
I'm gonna shove his fedora so
far up his ass, it'll be a hat.
No, Dad, we didn't do it.
All right? And even if we did,
it would be none
of your business.
It's just,
I was worried about you.
Well, that's a first.
I deserve that.
Sam, I gotta tell you
and I'm just gonna say it.
Sam, I have realized
over the last few years...
...that I have made
a big mistake in my life.
What, like cheating on my mom?
Well, no. Marrying your mom.
But no, that...
that wasn't a mistake,
because then I wouldn't
have had you.
I've made lots of mistakes,
but th-the big mistake...
is that I let what happened
between your mom and I
get in the way
of our relationship.
I'm sorry.
And I hope that we
can start over and...
build up our relationship again
you're my only kid.
And I'm your only dad.
Well, Frank is...
- Fuck Frank.
Frank's fine.
Dad, can I tell you something now?
- Yes.
Yes, yes, yes, anything.
I'm a lesbian.
Give me your hand.
What does your mom think?
She doesn't know.
You told me
before you told your mom?
- Yeah.
- That's big news.
She doesn't know?
- You didn't tell Frank?
- No.
Okay. Over.
Crying is over.
What do your girlfriends think?
No, I'm too nervous.
I can't tell them.
You're nervous
to tell Kayla and Julie?
It's just... I don't want
to lose my two best friends.
This is the stuff you tell
the people you care about.
You think they're not gonna
support you because you're gay?
They would support you
if you were a vampire.
They would support you more.
With all the Twilight shit.
- Do we still like Twilight?
- Definitely not. - No, no.
Oh, God.
Thanks for showing up.
But you should probably leave
because it's insane that you even
came here in the first place.
I'd love to get a picture with you.
- Yeah.
Great. Okay.
Just gonna stand on this.
- Yeah, you know... you know the drill.
Come on.
Come on. Here we go.
Gotta turn it around here.
Dad, you're not taking it.
I'll remember this.
Come on.
Oh, my God.
would - olur
where - nerede
vampire - vampir
think - düşünmek
taking - alma
support - destek
stuff - şey
still - yine
start - başlama
stand - durmak
something - bir şey
showing - gösterme
school - okul
fucking - kahrolası
years - Yıl
around - etrafında
thanks - teşekkürler
friends - arkadaşlar
drill - matkap
doing - iş
build - inşa etmek
deserve - hak etmek
again - Tekrar
should - meli
definitely - Kesinlikle
crying - ağlayan
coolest - havalı
really - gerçekten mi
remember - hatırlamak
twilight - alaca karanlık
about - hakkında
between - arasında
right - Sağ
frank - dürüst
business - iş
place - yer
anything - her şey
happened - olmuş
because - Çünkü
mistakes - hatalar
cheating - hile
before - önce
people - insanlar
fedora - fötr şapka
gonna - olacak
lesbian - lezbiyen
worried - endişeli
gotta - lazım
picture - resim
great - harika
kidding - dalga geçmek
insane - deli
girlfriends - kız
mistake - hata
sorry - afedersiniz
shove - kıpırdamak
kayla -
motherfucker - çocuğu
marrying - evlenerek
relationship - ilişki
julie - julie
nervous - Sinir
leave - ayrılmak
probably - muhtemelen
first - ilk
realized - gerçekleştirilen
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