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Öğrenmeye başla
- Can I get 10 copies?
- Put them on the pile.
No, they're for Arthur.
I need them like, 15 minutes ago.
So if you wouldn't mind...
You're the toilet paper guy.
- Wait. Who's that?
- That's April.
Yes. I am, in fact, the toilet paper guy,
but feel free to call me
the bagel-and-coffee guy.
Todd in Accounting
calls me Crystal,
which I'm pretty sure
is a girl's name.
- How many copies?
- Ten. Please.
- These?
- Yeah, both of those.
What made you become
a Bill Clinton supporter?
I'm not. This is a money gig.
I get paid 12 an hour,
which is better than babysitting, which is
what I've been doing way too much of.
You're a Democrat, right?
Why does everyone have to be
a Democrat or a Republican?
I'm struggling with the copy machine.
No, hold on.
You're an Independent, aren't you?
I am nothing.
Why am I obligated to be something?
Why do I have to have an opinion
about everything anyway?
I mean, really,
what do I know about missile systems
or Social Security, or the tax code?
What about civil rights or women's rights?
A woman's right to do what she wants
with her body? What about that?
I do what I want with my body.
That's apathetic.
- I'm not apathetic.
- Yes, you are.
I'm not. I just know that these bozos
you're working for,
they don't care about anything more
than their own ambitions.
That's absolutely not true.
You think this guy, Bill Clinton,
is gonna make a huge difference?
- I do.
- He's gonna do what's already inevitable.
- Okay, that's where you're wrong.
- Don't make me staple your head!
You're wrong. He's gonna make
a difference with African Americans.
He's gonna make a difference with women.
He gets women.
Look at his record in Arkansas.
Read his plans on health care.
Read his plans on education.
- I'm really sorry.
- That's fine.
Wake up to a new America.
- Fine. You convinced me. You're nothing.
- I'm nothing.
So I'm here to repeat in front of all of you...
Yes, I was Bill Clinton's lover for 12 years.
For the past two years, I have lied to the
press about our relationship to protect him.
The truth is, I loved him.
Now he tells me to deny it.
Well, I'm sick of all of the deceit,
and I'm sick of all of the lies.
Well, you're right about one thing.
He certainly gets women.
This has been fun.
- Bye, toilet paper guy.
- Bye, copy girl.
wrong - Yanlış
working - çalışma
women - kadınlar
toilet - tuvalet
which - hangi
wants - istiyor
think - düşünmek
those - bu
their - onların
systems - sistemler
where - nerede
staple - elyaf
sorry - afedersiniz
social - Sosyal
rights - haklar
republican - cumhuriyetçi
relationship - ilişki
record - kayıt
protect - korumak
pretty - güzel
press - basın
please - lütfen
years - Yıl
plans - planları
opinion - görüş
obligated - yükümlü
machine - makine
arthur - arthur
african - Afrika
missile - füze
paper - kâğıt
independent - Bağımsız
supporter - destek
babysitting - bebek bakımı
front - Ön
security - güvenlik
lover - sevgili
calls - aramalar
about - hakkında
truth - hakikat
america - Amerika
absolutely - kesinlikle
clinton - clinton
struggling - mücadele
arkansas - arkansas
already - zaten
accounting - muhasebe
doing - iş
anything - her şey
money - para
tells - anlatır
ambitions - hırsları
education - eğitim
bagel - simit
americans - Amerikalı
better - Daha iyi
become - olmak
anyway - neyse
health - sağlık
coffee - Kahve
these - bunlar
copies - kopyalar
crystal - kristal
everything - her şey
deceit - aldatma
something - bir şey
democrat - demokrat
repeat - tekrar et
apathetic - ilgisiz
inevitable - kaçınılmaz
april - Nisan
difference - fark
gonna - olacak
really - gerçekten mi
civil - sivil
convinced - ikna olmuş
everyone - Herkes
loved - sevilen
right - Sağ
certainly - kesinlikle
minutes - dakika
thing - şey
bozos - herifler
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
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