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Öğrenmeye başla
Well, that'll...
That'll be half a quid, sir.
Half a quid?
Yes, sir.
Half a quid.
Here's a sovereign, my dear.
Keep the change.
Thank you, sir.
Oh, but you're not going?
Oh, no. No.
After all, you brought two glasses.
Two minds with but a single thought.
My, what a nice beginning.
Sit down there.
Sit right down.
Well, I...
Well, I'll just take a sip.
Of course, I shouldn't
stay too long.
Nonsense, nonsense.
You can stay
as long as you like.
After all, we have all evening,
haven't we?
Of course we have. Here.
Oh, I like your singing.
Yes. You must sing again
for me sometime.
Where did you get
such a pretty voice?
Well, I don't know.
Perhaps it's the
pretty place it comes from, huh?
- Well...
- Very lovely, where it comes from.
Well, here's health
so good luck.
I make my own luck, my dear.
Yes, and tonight I
follow the rainbow.
Oh, you don't half talk, do you?
Perhaps we could
follow it together, huh?
I'll follow it right home, mister.
- To that rattrap?
Hey, what are you calling names?
Well, I think you deserve
something better.
How do you know where I live?
Well, I can imagine.
Surely your wages here...
...don't earn you a place
in Barkley Square.
Well, I think I'll be off.
Why? I don't
confuse you, do I, lvy?
I believe I do
confuse you, don't I?
I ain't confused by nobody.
Let go. Do you hear?
Let go.
Let go, you hear?
- What's he doing, lvy?
- Oh, you let go too!
Watch out, lvy love.
this all about?
It's him. He insulted her.
He's lying, I tell you!
That I know.
He tried to break her arm.
- He did, did he?
- Yes, yes. Tried to break her arm.
You will, ay?
You want another one?
where - nerede
wages - ücret
voice - Ses
tonight - Bu gece
together - Birlikte
there - Orada
thank - teşekkür
evening - akşam
could - could
confused - şaşkın
change - değişiklik
deserve - hak etmek
again - Tekrar
beginning - başlangıç
thought - düşünce
brought - getirdi
insulted - hakaret
calling - çağrı
better - Daha iyi
barkley - barkley
about - hakkında
watch - izlemek
something - bir şey
doing - iş
confuse - şaşırtmak
believe - inanmak
tried - denenmiş
lying - yalan söyleme
break - kırılma
going - gidiş
think - düşünmek
glasses - gözlük
imagine - hayal etmek
health - sağlık
lovely - güzel
mister - bay
comes - geliyor
names - isimler
nonsense - saçmalık
nobody - kimse
sovereign - egemen
perhaps - belki
sometime - bazen
another - bir diğeri
minds - zihinler
place - yer
single - Tek
pretty - güzel
course - kurs
follow - takip et
rattrap - fare kapanı
rainbow - gökkuşağı
right - Sağ
after - sonra
singing - şan
square - kare
surely - elbette
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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