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Öğrenmeye başla
You're acting like
I owe you an apology.
Knock yourself out.
You were an assignment. You're a big boy.
You knew what you were doing.
I can see it's really been eating at you.
An Ml6 case officer takes a strange girl
from an embassy party...
back to his hotel room
where he has an unsecured briefcase
- Full of Egyptian Air Defense codes.
- Did they tell you to sleep with me?
I needed the codes.
I thought the less time
I spent with you, the better.
- Oh, Jesus.
- How did you get on this project?
- And you're the mole.
- Who the hell hired you anyway?
- I can't believe it.
- How did you get this job?
The day I left Ml6 I had 15 major
companies begging for my services.
Well, I guess you picked wrong.
But you must be used to that.
You know, I've got
a meeting in 12 minutes.
Where's the drop? Hand it over.
- Forget it. I'm not working with you.
- Excuse me?
You think I'm gonna let you
be my contact officer?
- This is way over your head.
- Over my head?
Lady, I worked Yemen, Athens and Cairo.
I've been promoted and decorated
every place I served.
Tell Duke to send someone else.
Listen. I'm sure you know your way
around a shoe store...
...but I did 12 years in the field.
And how long have you been working
for Equikrom?
- Long enough.
- How long?
Three weeks.
Three whole weeks? Like every day?
Well, I've spent the last 14 months
undercover inside Burkett & Randle.
I'm an Assistant Director
of Counterintelligence. I am all the way in.
So let's get this straight.
I'm the asset here. You're a delivery boy.
And the only thing I'm gonna give you
is a message.
Tell Duke I don't ever
wanna see you again.
I run field agents for a living.
There's only two ways to do it.
Either you bring them flowers...
...or you hang them by their heels
out of the window.
Now, maybe you're so used to having
your legs in the air you don't realize it...
...but you're upside down, sister.
I own you.
You've 10 seconds to
get your hand off me.
Or what? You won't
be my friend anymore?
I like this gig.
I like the money. I like the hours.
So I'm not going anywhere,
and you're gonna get over it...
...because if you ever mention again
that you don't wanna work with me...
or that we've met before
or that you think someone else might
do a better job...
...if I get replaced
for any reason at all...
I'm gonna call those suckers
over at Burkett & Randle...
and tell them they have an Equikrom spy
in the heart of their security team.
Be a shame to let the last 14 months
go down the drain, wouldn't it?
So where's my package?
Tell Duke this is the one
he's been waiting for.
You screw this up,
I'll ruin your life.
I thought you
tried that already.
You wanna take one last shot
at that apology?
yemen - Yemen
years - Yıl
wrong - Yanlış
window - pencere
whole - bütün
weeks - haftalar
wanna - istiyorum
waiting - bekleme
tried - denenmiş
three - üç
where - nerede
thought - düşünce
those - bu
think - düşünmek
thing - şey
upside - üst taraf
gonna - olacak
going - gidiş
suckers - emiciler
friend - arkadaş
yourself - kendin
maybe - olabilir
served - hizmet
embassy - elçilik
around - etrafında
equikrom - Equikrom
heels - topuk
assignment - atama
director - yönetmen
enough - yeterli
defense - Savunma
eating - yemek yiyor
anyway - neyse
hired - kiralanmış
delivery - teslim
sleep - uyku
egyptian - mısır
burkett - burkett
decorated - dekore edilmiş
contact - temas
anywhere - herhangi bir yer
companies - şirketler
codes - kodlar
doing - iş
living - yaşam
apology - özür
agents - ajanları
every - proszę uważać
athens - atina
briefcase - iş çantası
because - Çünkü
anymore - Artık
inside - içeride
better - Daha iyi
already - zaten
undercover - gizli
assistant - asistan
major - majör
before - önce
asset - varlık
cairo - Kahire
believe - inanmak
field - alan
again - Tekrar
acting - oyunculuk
bring - getirmek
place - yer
guess - tahmin
having - sahip olan
hotel - otel
hours - saatler
jesus - isa
knock - vurmak
mention - söz etmek
party - parti
message - mesaj
either - ya
might - belki
excuse - bahane
flowers - çiçekler
minutes - dakika
randle - randle
heart - kalp
months - ay
money - para
reason - neden
drain - akıtmak
needed - gerekli
security - güvenlik
listen - dinlemek
officer - subay
store - mağaza
begging - dilenme
package - paket
picked - seçilmiş
project - proje
worked - işlenmiş
promoted - terfi
realize - gerçekleştirmek
really - gerçekten mi
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