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Öğrenmeye başla
I am unable to properly identify
this specific species of flora.
However, the yellow skin and pink pattern
closely resembles the pomble beet.
What's a pomble beet?
It's an extremely
poisonous root.
Yellow skin and pink stripes.
- This has pink spots, not stripes, it's...
- I'm sorry, Rola, it's too dangerous.
If you eat a pomble beet,
you're dead within thirty seconds.
Susan, how many days
till we reach the Crystal Lake?
That depends.
Over the previous six days, your
average walking speed has decreased.
If this trend continues,
it will be at least eight days until
you reach the Crystal Lake.
What are you doing?
Susan, count to thirty.
- One, two...
- Rola, spit it out!
- You should get your pellets out.
- ...five...
- in case this doesn't work.
- ...six, seven...
No, pellets aren't strong enough!
Rola, you need to throw it up.
But there is a chance
that this isn't poisonous.
- ...thirteen...
And if it isn't, we have all the food
that we need.
And if it is poisonous, you'll die!
Rola, there's a smarter way
to go about things.
What would be a smarter way, Lernert?
Waiting till we find
another kernyptus root?
- We haven't found anything for a week.
- ...twenty six...
You could have at least
taken a smaller bite!
...twenty nine, thirty.
You're all right? You...You feel...
You feel good? Healthy?
I feel fine, Lernert.
That was...
Rola, that was...
It appears the flora
is not pomble beet.
- What's your favorite color? Green?
- Beige.
- Beige?
- What's yours?
- Blue.
- Why?
'Cause every
shade of blue is pretty.
We're like the sky and the sand.
yellow - sarı
within - içinde
walking - yürüme
twenty - yirmi
throw - atmak
things - eşyalar
yours - seninki
there - Orada
speed - hız
trend - akım
species - türler
smarter - daha akıllı
every - proszę uważać
waiting - bekleme
should - meli
stripes - çizgili
enough - yeterli
depends - bağlıdır
thirteen - on üç
susan - susan
extremely - Son derece
thirty - otuz
green - yeşil
spots - noktalar
decreased - azalmış
crystal - kristal
lernert -
could - could
pomble - çakıl
favorite - sevdiğim
appears - belirir
anything - her şey
healthy - Sağlıklı
kernyptus - kernyptus
pattern - model
another - bir diğeri
about - hakkında
average - ortalama
until - a kadar
specific - özel
beige - bej
dangerous - Tehlikeli
seven - yedi
doing - iş
strong - Güçlü
closely - yakından
color - renk
shade - gölge
continues - devam ediyor
properly - uygun şekilde
sorry - afedersiniz
flora - bitki örtüsü
right - Sağ
taken - alınmış
found - bulunan
chance - şans
however - Ancak
eight - sekiz
identify - belirlemek
would - olur
least - en az
pellets - topakları
poisonous - zehirli
smaller - Daha küçük
pretty - güzel
previous - önceki
resembles - benzer,
unable - aciz
reach - ulaşmak
count - saymak
seconds - saniye
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
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