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Öğrenmeye başla
- I thought it was you.
- What the...?
What a pleasant surprise. Miss Steele.
Just Ana, just Ana. You're in here...
I was in the area on business,
needed to pick up a few things.
- Are you free?
- Yeah. What can I help you with?
Do you stock cable ties?
Cable ties, yes we do, I can show you if you want.
- Please, lead the way, Miss Steele.
- Just Ana.
- Is that it?
- Masking tape.
- Are you redecorating?
- No.
We have two inch and one inch,
but the truly self respecting handyman
would have both in his tool box.
Of course, he will.
It's rare to find a connoisseur these days
- Do you want anything else?
- Yes, rope.
That's impressive. You're girl scout?
No, organised group activity isn't really my thing.
- So what is your thing?
- I don't know... Books?
Okay, rope, tape, cable ties.
You're like a complete serial killer.
- Not today.
- Anything else?
- What would you recommend?
- For a do-it-yourselfer?
Maybe coveralls, so you protect your clothes?
- Could just take all my clothes off.
- Okay, no clothes.
I mean, no coveralls. You...
I can't ever think of anything else.
- Well, I guess that's it then.
- Cool.
today - bugün
truly - gerçekten
thought - düşünce
thing - şey
these - bunlar
stock - stok
steele - steele
respecting - ilişkin
surprise - Sürpriz
really - gerçekten mi
protect - korumak
course - kurs
business - iş
needed - gerekli
would - olur
clothes - çamaşırlar
think - düşünmek
things - eşyalar
redecorating - tadilatta
cable - kablo
connoisseur - uzman
yourselfer - yourselfer
books - kitaplar
guess - tahmin
could - could
please - lütfen
activity - aktivite
anything - her şey
serial - seri
complete - tamamlayınız
group - grup
handyman - el ulağı
impressive - etkileyici
coveralls - tulumu
killer - katil
scout - izci
masking - maskeleme
recommend - tavsiye etmek
maybe - olabilir
organised - örgütlü
pleasant - hoş
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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