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Every week, Tyler gave the rules
that he and I decided.
Gentlemen! Welcome
to Fight Club.
The first rule of Fight Club is
you do not talk about Fight Club.
Second rule of Fight Club is...
you do not talk about Fight Club!
Third rule of Fight Club
someone yells stop, goes limp, taps out,
the fight is over.
Fourth rule: only two guys to a fight.
Fifth rule: one fight at a time, fellas.
Sixth rule: no shirts, no shoes.
Seventh rule: fights will go on as long as they have to.
And the eighth and final
if this is you first night at Fight
Club, you have to fight.
This kid from work,
Ricky, couldn't remember
whether you ordered pens
with blue ink or black.
But Ricky was a god for
ten minutes
when he trounced the maitre d'
of a local food court.
Sometimes, all you could hear were the flat,
hard, packing sounds over the yelling.
Or the wet choke
when someone caught their breath and sprayed...
You weren't alive anywhere
like you were there.
But Fight Club only exists
in the hours between
when Fight Club starts and
when Fight Club ends.
Even if I could tell someone
they had a good fight
I wouldn't be
talking to the same man.
Who you were in Fight Club is not who
you were in the rest of the world.
A guy came to Fight
Club for the first time.
His ass was a
wad of cookie dough.
After a few weeks,
he was carved out of wood.
If you could fight any celebrity,
who would you fight?
- Alive or dead?
- Doesn't matter. Who'd be tough?
Hemingway. You?
Shatner. I'd fight William Shatner.
yells - bağırır
yelling - seslenme
would - olur
world - Dünya
whether - olup olmadığını
welcome - hoşgeldiniz
tyler - tyler
tough - sert
there - Orada
starts - başlar
weeks - haftalar
sprayed - püskürtme
sounds - sesleri
sometimes - ara sıra
between - arasında
eighth - Sekizinci
decided - karar
could - could
maitre - maitre
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
black - siyah
fifth - Beşinci
alive - canlı
gentlemen - beyler
matter - madde
ricky - ricky
fight - kavga
court - Mahkeme
breath - nefes
cookie - kurabiye
seventh - yedinci
every - proszę uważać
local - Yerel
carved - oyulmuş
caught - yakalandı
trounced - trounced
fourth - dördüncü
their - onların
sixth - altıncı
anywhere - herhangi bir yer
dough - hamur
fights - kavgalar
final - nihai
celebrity - şöhret
first - ilk
hours - saatler
remember - hatırlamak
hemingway - hemingway
minutes - dakika
shatner - shatner
night - gece
exists - var
ordered - düzenli
fellas - dostlar
choke - boğma
someone - Birisi
after - sonra
packing - paketleme
rules - kurallar
william - william
second - ikinci
third - Üçüncü
shirts - shirtler
shoes - ayakkabı
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