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Öğrenmeye başla
That son of a bitch.
Careful, Daddy, you're in church.
Look at me. Look at me.
Look at me.
Did Ren MacCormack do this to you?
- Answer me!
- Let's keep calm.
- We don't even know what happened.
- Our daughter has been assaulted, Vi.
I'm calling the police.
I want him in handcuffs.
I can see how that works for you,
just blame everything on Ren.
Just like you blamed
everything on Bobby.
Bobby spent his whole life
trying to make you proud.
He made good grades.
He went to church every Sunday, and God
help him because he made one mistake?
Now nobody remembers
the good things about Bobby,
all they remember is that damn accident!
Why don't we have a school dance?
It's because of Bobby!
Why do we have this stupid curfew?
Because of Bobby!
Bobby's to blame for all this bullshit!
Lower your voice, talk in a civil tone.
- Please, please, let's not do...
...this here.
- Why? Isn't this my church? Isn't it?!
Isn't this where we're supposed to
talk about our problems?
It's been three damn years,
so why don't we start talking?!
I have been so lost.
I've been losing my mind.
And you don't even see it!
You don't even care.
Of course I care.
Of course we care.
We don't expect you
to understand everything that we do
that's intended to keep you safe.
Stop it! I hate it when you
treat me like I'm a child.
Well, whether you like it or not,
young lady, you are my child!
I'm not even a virgin!
Please... Please don't talk like that
in here. - What are you going to do?
Pass another law?
'Cause that sure as hell
didn't keep him out of my panties!
Well, let's go get that guy
that blackened my eye,
'cause we don't hit girls in Bomont,
do we, daddy?
Ariel, please.
- Please, I didn't mean to!
- No, you stay here.
You've done enough.
young - genç
years - Yıl
understand - anlama
treat - tedavi etmek
three - üç
supposed - sözde
sunday - Pazar
school - okul
daddy - baba
mistake - hata
child - çocuk
ariel - Ariel
church - kilise
bomont -
maccormack - MacCormack
bullshit - saçmalık
nobody - kimse
things - eşyalar
course - kurs
bobby - aynasız
going - gidiş
another - bir diğeri
start - başlama
accident - kaza
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
whether - olup olmadığını
blamed - suçladı
voice - Ses
blackened - isli
civil - sivil
curfew - sokağa çıkma yasağı
happened - olmuş
works - eserleri
stupid - aptal
please - lütfen
answer - cevap
spent - harcanmış
calling - çağrı
panties - külot
whole - bütün
bitch - orospu
grades - sınıflarda
blame - suçlama
virgin - bakire
losing - kaybetme
problems - sorunlar
dance - dans
remembers - hatırlar
daughter - kız evlat
assaulted - saldırıya
enough - yeterli
because - Çünkü
every - proszę uważać
everything - her şey
where - nerede
lower - alt
expect - beklemek
trying - çalışıyor
girls - kızlar
proud - gururlu
careful - dikkatli
handcuffs - kelepçe
remember - hatırlamak
intended - istenilen
police - Polis
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