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Öğrenmeye başla
Oh. Come on.
You call this an ensemble?
Get it together, girl.
Do not call me that.
Wh-why? I meant, like,
"gurl" with a "u."
Not like you're a...
Oh, okay.
So, hey,
why don't we dust this off
And you take me to the mall
and pick me out some eye shadow,
Just like the old days, huh?
You're so good with color.
Yeah, I don't think I'm leaving the
house till college, but, thanks.
Listen. I get it.
I really do.
With what happened
with Tanner I know
that you didn't get to come out
to me in the way that you wanted to.
We didn't get to have
our extra-special
Mother/son lifetime movie moment.
I know that.
You don't want to go out
tonight, right?
I got a plan "b"!
Did you know that WebFlix has an
entire gay and lesbian section?
Blew my mind.
Okay, "milk." I got "milk."
It's about a gay mayor.
"Boys don't cry"...Now, this is
girl that wants to be a boy.
That's a tricky one.
"Brokeback Mountain"...
That's the cowboys.
And something called "shortballs"...
Oh, "shortbus."
So, which one do you want
to pop in first, huh?
Probably the cowboys, right?
That one's safe.
wants - istiyor
wanted - aranan
tricky - hileli
tonight - Bu gece
thanks - teşekkürler
think - düşünmek
something - bir şey
shortbus - kısa otobüs
shortballs - shortballs
section - Bölüm
shadow - gölge
right - Sağ
probably - muhtemelen
together - Birlikte
tanner - tabakçı
about - hakkında
house - ev
entire - Tüm
extra - ekstra
cowboys - kovboylar
called - denilen
brokeback - brokeback
college - kolej
special - özel
moment - an
listen - dinlemek
lesbian - lezbiyen
really - gerçekten mi
first - ilk
color - renk
lifetime - ömür
mayor - Belediye Başkanı
which - hangi
webflix - webflix
meant - demek
happened - olmuş
mother - anne
leaving - ayrılma
mountain - dağ
ensemble - topluluk
movie - film
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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