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Öğrenmeye başla
Is this him?
Is this you?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Huh. Cute. White, but cute.
What I don't understand
is, why did he come back?
I don't know.
Why is he
still here?
He's stuck, that's what it is.
He's in between worlds.
You know,
it happens sometimes that...
The spirit gets yanked out so quick
that the essence still feels
Like it has work to do here.
Would you stop rambling?
I'm just answering her question.
He's got an attitude now.
I don't have an attitude.
Yes, you do
have an attitude.
We're having
a little discussion.
If you didn't have
a attitude,
You would not have raised your
voice to me now, would you?
Don't you god damn me. Don't you
take the lord's name in vain.
No, you relax.
You're the dead guy.
You want me to help?
You'd better apologize.
I'm leaving.
Nobody talks to me like that,
you understand me?
Now, you better
I'm sorry. I apologize. OK?
Now, would you sit down? Please?
He's apologized.
I need you to tell
molly what I'm saying,
But you have to tell her
word for word, all right?
Yes. He wants me to tell you
what he's saying word for word.
Molly, you're in danger.
You can't just
blurt it out like that.
And quit moving around,
will you?
Cause you start
to make me dizzy.
I'll just tell her
in my own way.
Molly, you in danger,
What are you
talking about?
I know the man
who killed me.
He knows the man
who killed him.
His name's willy Lopez.
And I know where he lives.
His name is willy Lopez.
He's a Puerto Rican,
He knows
where he lives.
Write it down.
- He wants you to write it down.
- You write it down.
I ain't no
damn secretary.
Just do it!
He's so testy.
worlds - dünyalar
willy - willy
white - beyaz
wants - istiyor
voice - Ses
understand - anlama
saying - söz
dizzy - sersemlemiş
lives - hayatları
feels - hissediyor
discussion - tartışma
knows - bilir
right - Sağ
killed - öldürdü
write - yazmak
spirit - ruh
having - sahip olan
apologized - özür diledi
answering - cevap veren
little - küçük
talks - Görüşmeler
apologize - özür dilemek
essence - öz
lopez - lopez
yanked - çekti
please - lütfen
moving - hareketli
between - arasında
rambling - başıboş
happens - olur
leaving - ayrılma
sometimes - ara sıra
around - etrafında
blurt - yumurtlamak
attitude - tutum
cause - sebeb olmak
molly - muhallebi çocuğu
would - olur
nobody - kimse
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
puerto - porto
sorry - afedersiniz
question - soru
still - yine
where - nerede
quick - hızlı
start - başlama
raised - kalkık
rican - Rikolu
danger - Tehlike
secretary - sekreter
relax - rahatlayın
stuck - sıkışmış
better - Daha iyi
testy - asabi
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