Film ve kitaplardan gerçek İngilizce'yi öğrenin.
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Öğrenmeye başla
So, tell me about 'er.
Have you ever met someone...
and you knew right away
she was gonna be important to you?
Not just because of her looks,
but, you know, that X factor...
How'd you meet 'er?
Actually, I was in a shop
buying pyjamas for my mom.
And by that, of course, you mean...
you were buying lingerie
for another woman.
Yes. You can't help
where you meet somebody.
And the... the lingerie is for
a woman I'm no longer seeing.
But anyway, the girl I met,
the one I was talking about...
she's so sweet, funny, southern...
She gives me her number. Now...
she won't return my phone calls.
I don't know what it is about her.
I just can't get her outta my mind.
You know, food has lost its taste.
Colors, you know, they seem dull and...
Things that used to matter...
I don't know, they just no longer do.
I think things aren't
gonna snap back unless I...
Unless I bang 'er.
Excuse me?
You know, bang 'er. Clear my head.
Get in, get off, get out.
I think you may have
misunderstood what I do exactly.
No, I was told you
help guys get in there.
Right. But, see, here's the thing.
My clients actually like women.
Uh, yeah, hit-hit it and
quit it is-is not my thing.
Let me make one thing
clear to you, rabbi.
I need professional help.
Well, that is for damn certain.
And I'm glad you can admit it
because generally that's the hardest part.
You see what I'm doin'?
This is what I'm about.
Power suit, power tie, power steering.
People can wince, cry, beg,
but eventually they do what I want.
Oh... So, that's, like, a metaphor.
Oh, yeah.
Right. Well, see, I'm more
of a literal kinda guy.
So, when I do this...
this is more like me sayin'
that I will literally break your shit off
if you ever touch me again.
Okay, pumpkin.
women - kadınlar
wince - çekinme
where - nerede
touch - dokunma
think - düşünmek
thing - şey
there - Orada
southern - güney
someone - Birisi
eventually - sonunda
exactly - kesinlikle
clients - istemciler
hardest - en zor
actually - aslında
anyway - neyse
unless - olmadıkça
again - Tekrar
admit - itiraf etmek
break - kırılma
lingerie - kadın iç çamaşırı
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
calls - aramalar
gives - verir
funny - komik
right - Sağ
outta - outta
another - bir diğeri
because - Çünkü
power - Güç
rabbi - haham
clear - açık
factor - faktör
things - eşyalar
sweet - tatlı
course - kurs
people - insanlar
gonna - olacak
matter - madde
important - önemli
kinda - tür
steering - yönetim
number - numara
literal - kelimesi kelimesine
literally - harfi harfine
excuse - bahane
return - dönüş
taste - damak zevki
certain - belli
longer - uzun
professional - profesyonel
colors - renkler
looks - görünüyor
woman - kadın
buying - alış
pumpkin - kabak
somebody - birisi
metaphor - mecaz
misunderstood - yanlış
pyjamas - pijama
phone - telefon
generally - genellikle
seeing - görme
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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