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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
Because I said so!
- How deep?
- I'll tell you when to stop.
I didn't say you could stop.
What is this even for?
I don't understand why I'm doing this.
Well, I don't understand you
at all, Charlie Bucktin.
One minute you're avoiding me
like I'm contagious,
the next you're telling people we're
sneaking out at night together
because we're
romantically attached.
You know, it's polite
to ask a girl first.
- I can explain.
- Um, no.
Excuse me. This is not on.
I just came
to get something back.
Well, it can wait.
Charlie's working
very hard at the moment.
Let him finish up, thank you.
Go on.
Does your mother know you're
traipsing around town on your own?
I think you should be at home
right now, don't you?
You can stop.
Oh, no, you don't.
I want you to fill it in.
- What? - Fill it in. I don't want some
dirty great big hole in my backyard.
If you didn't want a hole,
then why did you ask for it?
There you are,
you've learnt your lesson.
Now, I'm heading out, and I want this
filled in by the time I get back,
or you'll be doing it all again
tomorrow, young man.
working - çalışma
tomorrow - Yarın
there - Orada
thank - teşekkür
should - meli
telling - söylüyorum
romantically - romantik
night - gece
mother - anne
young - genç
moment - an
people - insanlar
could - could
learnt - bilgili
contagious - bulaşıcı
traipsing - traipsing
charlie - charlie
attached - ekli
right - Sağ
polite - kibar
bucktin - bucktin
again - Tekrar
backyard - arka bahçe
heading - başlık
sneaking - sinsi
around - etrafında
first - ilk
because - Çünkü
avoiding - kaçınma
understand - anlama
dirty - kirli
explain - açıklamak
finish - bitiş
think - düşünmek
something - bir şey
excuse - bahane
filled - dolu
great - harika
doing - iş
lesson - ders
together - Birlikte
minute - dakika
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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