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Öğrenmeye başla
You know, what I don't understand is why
they never found it, the doctors.
My son has had clean checkups
every year since the day he was born.
How could the doctors
not pick it up?
He might not have
been tested thoroughly enough.
Why not?
You got an HMO, right?
Yeah, and there's your answer.
HMOs pay their
doctors not to test.
It's their way of
keeping costs down.
Say Mike did need
additional testing
and insurance says
they won't cover them.
The doctor keeps his mouth shut,
and come Christmas,
the HMO sends the doctor
a fat-ass bonus cheque.
- Is that true?
- Possible. Not likely, but possible.
You are telling me that these doctors may have known
what was wrong with my son,
and they could have
treated him all along?
- Who knows? I don't know, John.
- Don't take this personal, Doc.
- Bunch of goddamn crooks.
- You don't know what you're talking about.
- What about that thing that you guys take?
- The thing?
Yeah, that promise.
- It's called the Hippocratic Oath.
- More like the hypocritical oath.
How's it go, Doc?
I solemnly swear to take care
of the sick and damn-near-dying,
unless they ain't got major medical.
- Something like that?
- You've got it perfectly.
It's funny, but it's not that
far from the truth, okay?
This shit happens all the time.
Paramedics bring in
some accident victim.
But when the big boys in
Accounting find out they can't pay
they send them packing.
- Hospitals can't turn people away.
- Isn't there laws against that?
There's laws, but there's
also ways around those laws.
The only thing we have to do is stabilize them.
And after that, we're off the hook.
And you know it.
- That's not how it works.
- That's exactly how it works.
Maybe not up there on the fifth floor,
but in here if you don't have any money,
you get a Band-Aid, a foot in the ass,
and you're out the door.
Shut up. Enough already.
I've heard all the bitching and moaning I
can stand for one day, all right?
If you all want to regard me as some kind
of blood-sucking vampire, than fine, great.
I'll be the bad guy.
But who's holding the fucking gun?
unless - olmadıkça
thoroughly - iyice
thing - şey
victim - kurban
these - bunlar
there - Orada
telling - söylüyorum
swear - yemin etmek
stabilize - dengelemek
something - bir şey
right - Sağ
perfectly - kusursuzca
people - insanlar
never - asla
money - para
maybe - olabilir
promise - söz vermek
major - majör
understand - anlama
stand - durmak
likely - muhtemelen
those - bu
their - onların
known - bilinen
since - dan beri
could - could
checkups - muayeneler
tested - test edilmiş
doctors - Doktorlar
solemnly - ciddiyetle
bring - getirmek
bonus - bonus
found - bulunan
might - belki
bunch - demet
blood - kan
works - eserleri
keeping - koruma
paramedics - Sağlıkçılar
mouth - ağız
hippocratic - hipokrat'a ait
vampire - vampir
called - denilen
hypocritical - iki yüzlü
along - uzun bir
wrong - Yanlış
holding - tutma
christmas - noel
accident - kaza
insurance - Sigorta
cheque - kontrol
packing - paketleme
after - sonra
additional - ek
heard - duymuş
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
around - etrafında
against - karşısında
truth - hakikat
costs - maliyetler
accounting - muhasebe
fucking - kahrolası
answer - cevap
sends - gönderir
possible - mümkün
knows - bilir
floor - Zemin
testing - test yapmak
already - zaten
fifth - Beşinci
cover - kapak
exactly - kesinlikle
treated - işlenmiş
crooks - hırsızlar
clean - temiz
doctor - doktor
moaning - inilti
medical - Tıbbi
dying - ölen
regard - saygı
funny - komik
every - proszę uważać
sucking - emme
goddamn - lanet olası
great - harika
personal - kişisel
enough - yeterli
happens - olur
hospitals - hastaneler
bitching - bitching
keeps - tutar
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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