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Öğrenmeye başla
So we tried the cops
and tried the newspapers,
and even set up a, you know,
a thing
on the Internet for people to
help us find Tommy.
But we got nothing. We
never saw our son again.
I came up with the name
Remembering Tommy,
and, we've been doing this
three nights a week. So...
Colonel Stars and Stripes
found us online.
That's terrible, guys.
I'm real sorry.
I became Night Bitch after my sister
was murdered and found in a dumpster.
Holy shit.
Doesn't bring her back, but...
at least I'm doing
something positive about it.
- Insect Man.
- Yeah, um...
I've been bullied my, my whole
life for being gay,
so now I stand up
for the defenseless.
That's why
I don't wear a mask.
Too much like being
back in the closet.
Long as your
heart's in the right place,
we don't care what you
put in your mouth.
- Fist bump.
- Thank you. Thank you, sir.
Well, I became Battle Guy
after my parents were mugged and
killed coming home from the opera.
Did I tell you guys that
that sick bastard
maxed out their credit
cards on porno sites?
I just hope we get the chance to
say hello to this guy someday
so I can personally levitate
his soul from his body.
Oh, my God. Marty?
Yeah, I knew
I recognized your voice.
No, I.. I don't, I don't know what
you're talking about.
I don't know Marty.
New guy.
Hey, asshole,
it's me, Dave.
Dave? Why are you
dressed like Kick-Ass?
Because I'm Kick-Ass.
You two
know each other?
like since we were five.
What's all this bullshit about
your parents getting killed?
- Yeesh, language.
- What?
Battle Guy, care to
update your résumé?
I'm trying to figure out
how to explain this
without sounding like
a complete idiot right now.
Yeah, I'm not sure
that's possible, Batman.
I'm not, either.
Okay. Well, when I found
you guys online,
you were all swapping these
awesome origin stories.
Colonel, you're
ex-Mafia, for Christ's sake.
Yo. Don't take
the Lord's name in vain.
I'm sorry.
I didn't think you guys would
let me join the team
unless I had
a good story, too.
All right, we'll let you off the
hook this time, Battle Guy.
- Wanna see something cool?
- Yeah.
I thought this could
be our meeting room.
Whoa, this is so cool.
Now this little renovation
was totally clandestine,
which means nobody knew about it.
Now, I know it's not much, but
this is just the beginning.
Together we can make
a real difference.
If you'd consider it, Kick-Ass, we'd
be honored to have you join us.
Hell, yeah!
without - olmadan
whole - bütün
which - hangi
would - olur
wanna - istiyorum
update - güncelleştirme
unless - olmadıkça
trying - çalışıyor
tried - denenmiş
totally - bütünüyle
tommy - mehmetçik
together - Birlikte
levitate - havada durmak
killed - öldürdü
idiot - salak
yeesh - yeesh
bullied - zorbalık
getting - alma
renovation - yenileme
internet - Internet
mouth - ağız
explain - açıklamak
language - dil
either - ya
bullshit - saçmalık
parents - ebeveyn
difference - fark
insect - böcek
defenseless - savunmasız
personally - şahsen
because - Çünkü
sites - siteler
coming - gelecek
mugged - Yağmalanan
awesome - müthiş
thing - şey
three - üç
became - oldu
complete - tamamlayınız
about - hakkında
other - diğer
talking - konuşma
closet - dolap
meeting - toplantı
voice - Ses
least - en az
nobody - kimse
little - küçük
bring - getirmek
murdered - öldürülmüş
nights - gece
dressed - giyinmiş
mafia - mafya
marty - marty
hello - merhaba
consider - düşünmek
could - could
since - dan beri
clandestine - gizli
these - bunlar
battle - savaş
again - Tekrar
colonel - albay
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
bastard - piç
beginning - başlangıç
bitch - orospu
figure - şekil
found - bulunan
cards - kartları
stars - yıldızlar
dumpster - çöplüğü
chance - şans
maxed - maxed
means - anlamına geliyor
night - gece
online - internet üzerinden
sister - kız kardeş
opera - opera
origin - köken
never - asla
people - insanlar
batman - yarasa adam
place - yer
porno - porno
someday - birgün
positive - pozitif
doing - iş
thank - teşekkür
possible - mümkün
remembering - anımsama
credit - kredi
newspapers - gazeteler
right - Sağ
being - olmak
something - bir şey
sounding - sondaj
recognized - tanınan
honored - şerefli
sorry - afedersiniz
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