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Öğrenmeye başla
Nobody wants to be Robin.
What's wrong with Robin?
Weren't you like
Big Daddy's Robin?
Robin wishes he was me.
What I'm trying to say
is we should be partners,
you and me, like the dynamic duo.
I'm in the NFL, Dave.
And you play pee-wee.
Train me.
I wanna walk the walk,
and you're the closest thing
I know to a real superhero.
Aren't you tired
of being on your own?
Don't you wanna know
someone's there for you?
Someone who's
got your back?
- And you'll do anything I say?
- Anything.
Hit me.
You're a 15-year-old girl.
What the hell?
Act like a bitch,
get slapped like a bitch.
Oh, goddamn.
Mindy beat me like morning
wood every day for three weeks.
Come on. Guard up!
Left, right, guard up!
Even with my damaged nerve
endings, it hurt like hell.
In a weird way,
I kinda liked it.
It gave me
a sense of purpose.
- What happened to your face?
- Nothing.
Like we were driving
towards something.
Oh! Oh, that's amazing!
All the other people putting on
masks were just playing superhero.
We were training
to really do it.
I couldn't tell my girlfriend
Katie, or Marty and Todd.
But I didn't care. We
were having too much fun.
Our own superhero team.
It was gonna be balls.
wrong - Yanlış
wishes - dilek
weeks - haftalar
wants - istiyor
wanna - istiyorum
trying - çalışıyor
training - eğitim
train - Tren
masks - maskeler
anything - her şey
driving - sürme
playing - oynama
guard - bekçi
goddamn - lanet olası
balls - taşaklar
every - proszę uważać
should - meli
having - sahip olan
towards - karşı
really - gerçekten mi
kinda - tür
amazing - şaşırtıcı
other - diğer
superhero - süper kahraman
bitch - orospu
closest - En yakın
there - Orada
gonna - olacak
marty - marty
damaged - Hasarlı
endings - sonlar
dynamic - dinamik
liked - sevilen
mindy - mindy
morning - sabah
nerve - sinir
nobody - kimse
girlfriend - kız arkadaşı
right - Sağ
putting - koyarak
people - insanlar
purpose - amaç
robin - narbülbülü
weird - tuhaf
sense - duyu
happened - olmuş
partners - ortaklar
slapped - tokatladı
katie - katie
someone - Birisi
something - bir şey
being - olmak
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
thing - şey
three - üç
tired - yorgun
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