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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
Oh, hi. My name is Elle Woods,
and for my admissions essay,
I'm gonna tell all of you at Harvard
why I'm gonna make an amazing lawyer.
As president of my sorority,
I'm skilled at commanding the attention of a
room, and discussing very important issues.
It has come to my attention
that the maintenance staff is switching
our toilet paper from Charmin to generic.
All those opposed to
chafing, say “aye“. Aye!
A: Neither type of operaor neither type of rap is on sale.
B: Neither type of jazz
and neither type of opera is on sale.
- C: Neither type of opera..."
- Party!
- Delta Nu, we love you!
I'm able to recall hundreds of
important details at the drop of a hat.
Hey, Elle, do you know what happened
on Days of Our Lives yesterday?
Why yes, Margot, I do.
Once again, we joined Hope
in the search for her identity.
As you know, she's been brainwashed
by the evil Stefano.
- Three...
- Get set, and go!
One and forty three.
I feel comfortable
using legal jargon in everyday life.
- I object!
yesterday - Dün
woods - orman
using - kullanma
toilet - tuvalet
identity - kimlik
comfortable - rahat
staff - personel
switching - anahtarlama
forty - kırk
gonna - olacak
hundreds - yüzlerce
president - devlet başkanı
three - üç
those - bu
neither - ne
harvard - harvard
essay - deneme
amazing - şaşırtıcı
charmin - çekici
chafing - Reşo
again - Tekrar
admissions - kabul
brainwashed - beyni yıkanmış
sorority - kızlar birliği
commanding - hakim
lawyer - avukat
details - ayrıntılar
delta - delta
generic - genel
issues - sorunlar
attention - dikkat
jargon - jargon
legal - yasal
skilled - yetenekli
important - önemli
joined - katıldı
lives - hayatları
object - nesne
maintenance - bakım
happened - olmuş
stefano - stefano
everyday - her gün
margot - margot
opera - opera
operaor - operaor
opposed - karşıt
paper - kâğıt
party - parti
discussing - tartışılması
recall - hatırlama
search - arama
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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