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Öğrenmeye başla
Why did you want to kill yourself?
No, don't answer the question, Frank.
I'm sorry! I don't think it's
an appropriate conversation...
- for a seven-year-old.
- Well, she's gonna find out anyway.
- Okay.
- Go on, Frank.
Why were you unhappy?
Um, well, there are a lot of reasons.
Mainly, though, I fell in love
with someone who didn't love me back.
One of my grad students.
I was very much in love with him.
Him? It was a boy? You
fell in love with a boy?
- Yes, I did. Very much so.
- That's silly.
You're right. It was silly.
It was very, very silly.
- There's another word for it.
- Dad.
So, that's when you
tried to kill yourself?
Well, no. The boy that I
was in love with
fell in love with another man
- Larry Sugarman.
- Who's Larry Sugarman?
- Larry Sugarman is, perhaps...
the second most highly regarded
Proust scholar in the U.S.
- Who's number one?
- That would be me, Rich.
So that's when.
No. What happened was
I was a bit upset...
so I said some things
that I shouldn't have said...
and I did some things
that I shouldn't have done...
and subsequently
I was fired from my job...
and forced to move out of my apartment
and move into a motel.
- And that's when you tried to-
- Well, no.
Actually, all of that was okay.
What happened was two
days ago
the MacArthur Foundation, in its
infinite wisdom...
awarded a genius grant
to Larry Sugarman.
And that's when I-
Decided to check out early.
Yes. Yes. And I failed
at that as well.
Olive, the important thing
to understand here...
is that Uncle Frank
gave up on himself.
He made a series of foolish choices-
I'm sorry - and he gave up on himself...
which is something that winners never do.
yourself - kendin
would - olur
winners - Kazananlar
upset - üzgün
unhappy - mutsuz
though - gerçi
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
uncle - amca dayı
things - eşyalar
thing - şey
sugarman - şeker adam
subsequently - sonradan
sorry - afedersiniz
failed - başarısız oldu
genius - deha
conversation - konuşma
something - bir şey
there - Orada
question - soru
students - öğrencilerin
forced - zorunlu
foolish - aptalca
gonna - olacak
foundation - vakıf
happened - olmuş
anyway - neyse
tried - denenmiş
actually - aslında
reasons - nedenleri
awarded - layık
appropriate - Uygun
another - bir diğeri
apartment - apartman
olive - zeytin
seven - yedi
fired - ateş
check - kontrol
answer - cevap
motel - motel
silly - saçma
wisdom - bilgelik
himself - kendisi
highly - büyük ölçüde
infinite - sonsuz
early - Erken
macarthur - MacArthur
scholar - 点击“加号”为学习添加单词/短语
proust - Proust
important - önemli
decided - karar
larry - larry
never - asla
number - numara
series - dizi
choices - seçimler
perhaps - belki
understand - anlama
regarded - kabul
grant - hibe
frank - dürüst
right - Sağ
second - ikinci
mainly - ağırlıklı olarak
someone - Birisi
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