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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
I wonder if this store
has a bathroom.
Oh god, you just went two stores ago!
- I know, but I have to go again.
I love this... Look,
it takes two of them to cover me.
- Yeah, but you're having a baby.
- You try it on.
- I want a baby... Should I have one
with Neal? - Do you love him?
I think you should try some of that
Nobel Prize winners' sperm.
Get out of here!
Nobel Prize winners ejaculating in jars?
Well, give it a thought!
Don't you want a smart baby?
That's all I need. A baby
telling me what an idiot I am.
Like I'm not getting
it enough of that at work...
I am so lucky. I can't believe I managed
to find a nice, handsome family man.
Yeah, except it's someone else's family
But that's why he left. 'Cause he's in
love with me and we're gonna have a baby.
It sounds like the people
in the next compartment are.
- Mollie!
- Albert!
- Mollie, let me explain!
- Excuse me, these dresses aren't paid for.
- Don't take this shit from him.
- I'm going to call the cops,
if you don't move the dresses back in.
Now. - Please...
Thank you. After you. Thank you.
- Albert, what's going on?
- Mollie, I've fallen in love.
Beth knows all about it.
I'm going to live with Melissa.
I don't know if it'll last or what...
It just happened and I had to act on it.
Why didn't you say anything to me about it?
I didn't want to upset you, when you
were so close to the end of your pregnancy.
I don't believe this is happening.
Mollie, I know this sounds awful, but I'm
going through a selfish phase right now.
- A selfish phase?
- I admit the timing is bad.
- A selfish phase? - It's not like I
planned on it, it just happened.
A selfish phase!
Albert, you dick. You stupid dick!
- You lousy prick!
- Leave him alone.
upset - üzgün
timing - zamanlama
thought - düşünce
think - düşünmek
these - bunlar
telling - söylüyorum
stores - depolar
store - mağaza
sperm - Sperm
someone - Birisi
smart - akıllı
wonder - merak etmek
getting - alma
bathroom - banyo
enough - yeterli
cover - kapak
compartment - bölme
fallen - düşmüş
after - sonra
explain - açıklamak
alone - yalnız
excuse - bahane
through - vasitasiyla
sounds - sesleri
family - Aile
again - Tekrar
admit - itiraf etmek
planned - planlı
except - dışında
phase - faz
leave - ayrılmak
pregnancy - gebelik
about - hakkında
dresses - elbiseler
albert - köstek
prize - ödül
believe - inanmak
thank - teşekkür
anything - her şey
happened - olmuş
close - kapat
nobel - Nobel
stupid - aptal
please - lütfen
awful - korkunç
ejaculating - boşalma
going - gidiş
gonna - olacak
handsome - yakışıklı
happening - olay
having - sahip olan
winners - Kazananlar
melissa - melisa
idiot - salak
prick - dikmek
takes - alır
knows - bilir
right - Sağ
lousy - bitli
managed - Yönetilen
people - insanlar
lucky - şanslı
selfish - bencil
should - meli
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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