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Öğrenmeye başla
What's he doing?
If you stare at this
póster for a few seconds
a hidden picture appears.
Can we do it? Please?
Go ahead, but hurry,
the Easter Bunny's waiting.
Wow, it's a schooner!
You dumb bastard!
It's not a schooner, it's a sailboat.
A schooner is a sailboat,
You know what?
There is no Easter Bunny!
Over there is just a guy
in a suit!
But they're engaged.
It doesn't matter, it can't happen.
Why not?
It's bound to come up.
It's impossible. Lois could never have
Superman's baby.
Do you think her fallopian tubes
can handle his sperm?
I guarantee he blows a load
like a shotgun, right through her back.
What about her womb?
Do you think it's strong enough
to carry his child?
Sure. Why not?
He's an alien,
for Christ's sake!
His Kryptonian biological makeup
is enhanced by Earth's yellow sun.
If Lois gets a tan, the kid could kick
right through her stomach.
Only someone like Wonder Woman
has a strong enough uterus to carry his kid.
The only way he could bang regular chicks
is with a Kryptonite condom.
But that would kill him.
How did I go from the verge
of hot Floridian sex with Brand
to Man of Steel coital debates with you
in the food court?
Cookie stand is not part of the food court.
Of course it is.
The food court is downstairs,
the cookie stand is upstairs.
It's not like we're talking
quantum physics here.
The cookie stand counts as an eatery,
the eatery's a part of the food court.
Eateries that operate within the
designated square downstairs
qualify as food court.
Anything outside
of said designated square...
is considered an autonomous unit
for mid-mall snacking.
Now if you're gonna wax intellectual
about the subject...
Holy shit!
yellow - sarı
would - olur
wonder - merak etmek
woman - kadın
within - içinde
waiting - bekleme
verge - meyletmek
upstairs - üst katta
think - düşünmek
there - Orada
subject - konu
strong - Güçlü
square - kare
someone - Birisi
snacking - atıştırma
stupidhead - aptal kafa
right - Sağ
regular - düzenli
qualify - nitelemek
seconds - saniye
quantum - kuantum
please - lütfen
picture - resim
operate - işletmek
never - asla
matter - madde
counts - sayımları
bastard - piç
physics - fizik
eateries - atılmış
course - kurs
sperm - Sperm
sailboat - yelkenli
cookie - kurabiye
blows - darbeler
outside - dışında
condom - prezervatif
steel - çelik
carry - taşımak
bunny - tavşan
autonomous - özerk
child - çocuk
guarantee - garanti
brand - marka
ahead - önde
through - vasitasiyla
appears - belirir
alien - yabancı
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
gonna - olacak
eatery - eatery
schooner - uskuna
could - could
coital - cinsel birleşme ile ilgili
stand - durmak
court - Mahkeme
downstairs - alt kat
uterus - uterus
debates - tartışmalar
makeup - makyaj
doing - iş
stare - bakıyorum
shotgun - pompalı tüfek
chicks - civcivler
engaged - nişanlı
stomach - mide
enhanced - gelişmiş
enough - yeterli
biological - biyolojik
fallopian - fallop
anything - her şey
kryptonian - Kripton
tubes - borular
hurry - acele
bound - ciltli
floridian - floridian
handle - sap
designated - belirlenmiş
happen - olmak
hidden - gizli
considered - düşünülen
impossible - imkansız
intellectual - entellektüel
easter - Paskalya
kryptonite - kriptonit
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